Monday, September 30, 2019
What Motivate People to Vote?
What Motivate People to Vote? Voting is often inconvenient, it is personally costly. You have to take time to register and to learn about the candidates, and in the election day you may need to take time of your work to stand in long lines possibly in a bad weather , all that knowing that perhaps your vote will note make a difference among all the millions votes. So why do millions of people expend their own time, energy, and money to cast a vote that will not make any difference in the electoral outcome?According to The American Psychological Association: Psychologists and political scientist have many theories: * Some research suggests that people are motivated to vote because they want to â€Å"fit in. †Bruce Meglino, PhD, of the University of South Carolina's Moore School of Business, sees voting as an example of a behavior included in social admonitions–things people are supposed to do–such as working hard when no one's watching or helping a stranger they'l l never see again.Given that voting is an activity with more costs than benefits for the individual, Meglino thinks that highly rationally self-interested people probably don't bother to vote. * Some people, of course, vote because they believe their vote will make a difference, a psychological mechanism called the â€Å"voter's illusion. †According to a study published by Melissa Acevedo, PhD, of Westchester Community College, and Joachim Krueger, PhD, of Brown University, in Political Psychology (Vol. 25, No. 1). Basically, people just think their vote makes a difference, and have this mistaken belief even though statistically it's not the case,†Acevedo says. * Voting may be just plain habit for some people, according to Wendy Wood, PhD, a social psychologist at Duke University and co-director of the Social Science Research Institute. Also according to the website â€Å"Psychology today†, another reason for voting, offered by political scientists and la y individuals alike: is that it is a civic duty of every citizen in a democratic country to vote in elections.It’s not about trying to affect the electoral outcome, it’s about doing your duty as a democratic citizen by voting in elections, they believe that voting is not just a responsibility, it is more a source of power. Another reason that people often offer for voting is â€Å"But what if everybody thought that way? † The reasoning goes that, if everybody thought that voting was irrational and a waste of time, nobody would vote and democracy would collapse. In this last presidential elections, Barack Obama won by 51% verse 48% for Romney.And according to the exit polls President Barack Obama won the Hispanic vote by a whopping margin of 71 percent to 27 percent and the Asians voted for Obama by 73-26. By cons, Romney appear as the candidate for the rich and white people, who wants to lower taxes for millionaires and relax banking regulations for Wall Street that is why he won among all voters making more than $100,000 a year by a margin of 54-44. These statistiques can be explained by the fact that Democrats are multiracial with a laissez faire attitude toward religion and spirituality.Instead, the Republicans are in general overwhelmingly white and tenaciously Christian; they are more conservative than the Democrats. As stated by The Christian Science Monitor, there are other factors that played a big role in the victory of Obama: †¢ Obama and his family remained personally popular. †¢ Obama’s status as the first African-American president. †¢ Romney never seemed comfortable discussing his career at Bain or his vast wealth, so he was always seeing as the rich white gay who can not relate to all Americans especially in those tuffs economics times. There is also the part of the role of Charisma. Romney never developed a comfortable style on the stump, in contrast with Obama’s ability to deliver rousing speeches. On the other side, and according to the â€Å"New York Times†, there were some social and economics factors that played a role in why people did choose Obama instead of Romney. Like on the matter of health care, Romney’s virulent attacks against the Obama care law, which provides healthcare to all Americans and prohibits insurers from denying coverage to people with pre-existing illnesses, drew alarm bells among most Latinos.The fact that the world’s biggest industrialized country wasn’t providing health care to 45 million people before Obama’s law was seen by many Latinos as scandalous. Or the fact that Romney’s embrace of the ultra-right wing of the Republican Party, which includes anti-immigration zealots who support show-me-your-papers laws that could turn all Hispanics into automatic suspects of being illegally in the country.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Demonstrative Communication Paper
Andrea Dunn Individual Assignment week 2 BCOM/275 Version 1 Tim Wolfe October 30, 2011 Demonstrative communication dates way back before birth as well as before our parents were born and will continue to be of great importance throughout history this paper will attempt to explain how it involves both listening and responding, can be effective or ineffective, positive or negative for the sender and receiver. Non- verbal cues are used in everyday interactions and can often times speak louder than verbal communication. Think back to childhood how momma’s eye contact was understood nothing had to be said and what she wanted was done just by the look she gave. How about in school the raising of hands to answer a question/ask a question? teachers understand these gestures. The same is true in business managers and employees communicate frequently through expectations; for instance the time clock employees want to be paid so they punch the clock. Managers want to acknowledge punctual employees so they review time sheets generated from time clocks. In essence demonstrative communication is of great importance and is an essential part of communication. Listening to music can involve demonstrative communication the receiver (the listener) hears the music and responds to the sender by body motions such as dancing, bobbing of feet, snapping fingers, tapping feet and so forth these movements help the sender to understand that the music is being enjoyed. Let’s look at a lawyer by the name of Belli whom effectively used demonstrative communication by using visual aids and demonstrative materials in the court room. Consider this excerpt from Visual Materials with a point; Belli used scale models to check clearance distances on highway accidents, he even brought a patient who weighed four hundred pounds up to the second floor of a courtroom by means of an outdoor lift because he could not be brought in through a first floor entrance all in an effort to show by actual presence what he could not describe verbally. †(pg. 16). The forms of demonstrative communication/materials which Belli (the sender) used had a positive effect on the jurors (the receivers) because they were able to understand at a profound level. If not careful there are instances where the use of demonstrative communication can be ineffective. A commentary not dated gave some â€Å"practical tips and tactics for maximizing and leveraging demonstrative exhibits†let’s examine number 14 from the commentary it states; â€Å"Know your audience†Daniel & Lance (n. d). Having no prior knowledge of the audience you plan to address could prove to be ineffective. For instance the audience of a traffic police is all drivers including bicyclists. A non-verbal cue when interpreted correctly helps traffic to be directed smoothly avoiding accidents. The examples used throughout this paper are just a few instances to describe demonstrative communication. There are much more examples not shown here the point is what is understood physically (facial expressions, tone of voice, sense of touch, sense of smell, and body motions) don’t have to be said. Closing thoughts showing an awareness of non-verbal cues will have a winning effect with communication. Learn to pay attention to facial expressions it will give a better chance of figuring out the meaning behind the message the sender attempts to send through words. Your eye contact can help to gain trust; as not properly knowing when to use touch can cause barriers to trust. Demonstrative communication dates way back before birth as well as before our parents were born and will continue to be of great importance throughout history. Let’s put more thought into non-verbal cues to heighten understanding and cooperation amongst one another. Senders and receivers are in tuned with the communication process by â€Å"determining what they hope to achieve, Identifying the key points, considering the reaction, determining what channel to use, deliverance, ensure the message was received and understood, receive and interpret the response to the message, then decide f further communication is necessary†bcom275 r1 (2011). Communication is an essential part of life; knowledge of the correct use of demonstrative communication will go further than words could express and barriers will be lifted so listening and responding will no longer be a mystery and communication will be more effective and positive vs. ineffective and negative. References Bcom275_r1_the communication process Retrieved from OLS at Phoenix Daniel Wolfe and Lance, J. (n. d). Commentary: Tactics, ethical considerations in Leveraging demonstrations. Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly, Retrieved from Ebscohost Palzer, E. (1962). Visual Materials with a point. Today’s speech, 10(2), 15-27, Retrieved From Ebscohost Demonstrative Communication Paper Andrea Dunn Individual Assignment week 2 BCOM/275 Version 1 Tim Wolfe October 30, 2011 Demonstrative communication dates way back before birth as well as before our parents were born and will continue to be of great importance throughout history this paper will attempt to explain how it involves both listening and responding, can be effective or ineffective, positive or negative for the sender and receiver. Non- verbal cues are used in everyday interactions and can often times speak louder than verbal communication. Think back to childhood how momma’s eye contact was understood nothing had to be said and what she wanted was done just by the look she gave. How about in school the raising of hands to answer a question/ask a question? teachers understand these gestures. The same is true in business managers and employees communicate frequently through expectations; for instance the time clock employees want to be paid so they punch the clock. Managers want to acknowledge punctual employees so they review time sheets generated from time clocks. In essence demonstrative communication is of great importance and is an essential part of communication. Listening to music can involve demonstrative communication the receiver (the listener) hears the music and responds to the sender by body motions such as dancing, bobbing of feet, snapping fingers, tapping feet and so forth these movements help the sender to understand that the music is being enjoyed. Let’s look at a lawyer by the name of Belli whom effectively used demonstrative communication by using visual aids and demonstrative materials in the court room. Consider this excerpt from Visual Materials with a point; Belli used scale models to check clearance distances on highway accidents, he even brought a patient who weighed four hundred pounds up to the second floor of a courtroom by means of an outdoor lift because he could not be brought in through a first floor entrance all in an effort to show by actual presence what he could not describe verbally. †(pg. 16). The forms of demonstrative communication/materials which Belli (the sender) used had a positive effect on the jurors (the receivers) because they were able to understand at a profound level. If not careful there are instances where the use of demonstrative communication can be ineffective. A commentary not dated gave some â€Å"practical tips and tactics for maximizing and leveraging demonstrative exhibits†let’s examine number 14 from the commentary it states; â€Å"Know your audience†Daniel & Lance (n. d). Having no prior knowledge of the audience you plan to address could prove to be ineffective. For instance the audience of a traffic police is all drivers including bicyclists. A non-verbal cue when interpreted correctly helps traffic to be directed smoothly avoiding accidents. The examples used throughout this paper are just a few instances to describe demonstrative communication. There are much more examples not shown here the point is what is understood physically (facial expressions, tone of voice, sense of touch, sense of smell, and body motions) don’t have to be said. Closing thoughts showing an awareness of non-verbal cues will have a winning effect with communication. Learn to pay attention to facial expressions it will give a better chance of figuring out the meaning behind the message the sender attempts to send through words. Your eye contact can help to gain trust; as not properly knowing when to use touch can cause barriers to trust. Demonstrative communication dates way back before birth as well as before our parents were born and will continue to be of great importance throughout history. Let’s put more thought into non-verbal cues to heighten understanding and cooperation amongst one another. Senders and receivers are in tuned with the communication process by â€Å"determining what they hope to achieve, Identifying the key points, considering the reaction, determining what channel to use, deliverance, ensure the message was received and understood, receive and interpret the response to the message, then decide f further communication is necessary†bcom275 r1 (2011). Communication is an essential part of life; knowledge of the correct use of demonstrative communication will go further than words could express and barriers will be lifted so listening and responding will no longer be a mystery and communication will be more effective and positive vs. ineffective and negative. References Bcom275_r1_the communication process Retrieved from OLS at Phoenix Daniel Wolfe and Lance, J. (n. d). Commentary: Tactics, ethical considerations in Leveraging demonstrations. Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly, Retrieved from Ebscohost Palzer, E. (1962). Visual Materials with a point. Today’s speech, 10(2), 15-27, Retrieved From Ebscohost
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Arbitration of Investment Disputes - A Turkish Perspective Essay
Arbitration of Investment Disputes - A Turkish Perspective - Essay Example The arbitrator can be a third reliable party between the two opponents. They make a decision outside the court of law and predominantly decisions made by the arbitrator are final and binding. So, arbitration is an â€Å"Alternative Dispute Resolution†technique used by two conflicting parties to resolve their dispute without getting into legal (court) formalities. In big investments where the government, big corporate and financial institutions deals within country or internationally, dispute arises because of company policies, changing e theonomy, conditions of countries, policies of both parties countries dealing with, political environment, etc. ‘Investment Arbitration’ is a policy for economic development and prosperity supported and backed by economic policies by setting up independent disciplines for the development and civilization of institution by enforcing good governance with effective, efficient and disciplined economic reforms which ultimately results in better investment conditions and environment and development of policies for investors protection. 1 So, arbitration of investment dispute is a perfect path of resolving an international dispute among two opponent parties with the help of an arbitrator for the quick decision, it may be between two individuals or individual with the government, financial institutions, corporate or any two parties. The primary source for information for investment arbitration is regional and bilateral investment treaties which are according to United Nation Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Till now there are 2,500 treaties and it is increasing by 50 to 100 in numbers every year. This is primarily because of the growing number of law firms. IISD is an authorized institution for reviewing and revising the main rules of arbitration.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Introduction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Introduction - Essay Example With this the signal is converted into a form which is compatible with the system. For analog form, A/D converter is used for the transmission of the signal, and for digital form, such a block is not required if data already exists in the digital form (Bagad and Dhotre, 2009, p.4-26). PCM – PCM or pulse-code modulation is a method based on digital encoding and are effectively used in optical fibre communications. The baseband video signal in the system is quantified and sampled. There is a series of bits that encodes the sample. The light is put on and off using binary signals. The bandwidth is required to be enhanced over the baseband method for its use. This is a good choice for optical communications, particularly when laser diode has to be utilized owing to presence of inherent nonlinearity in the source of the optics (Bandyopadhyay, 2014, p.314). PPM – PPM or pulse position modulation is used for optical communications where the code scheme involves a bit time divided into two slots. Data can either be 1 or 0. If it is 1, the pulse gets transmitted in the first bit time slot. If the data is 0, then the pulse gets generated in the second slot of the bit time. Expansion of PPM is also possible and proves to be efficient for optical communications (Alexander, 1997, p.228). Digital PPM – PPM can also be used digital transmission of information based on optical communications. It is also referred to as differential pulse position modulation. It is a variation of the PPM coding, which can transmit data irrespective of the presence of time. If delays occur in the transmission, they take reference from falling edge of the pulse that was earlier transmitted (Lazaridis, 2011). Multiple PPM and Dicode PPM – Dicode PPM and Multiple PPM are considered as the most efficient bandwidths for optical communications. The best forms of sensitivities are offered by these PPM without causing the large bandwidth of the system to increase.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Human Beings and Human Doings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Human Beings and Human Doings - Essay Example It is reported that 25 percent of the world resources was consumed alone by the Americans. From the very garments that people need to wear to the time-filler hobbies of one is being encouraged by entrepreneurs at the same time welcomed with open arms by many American consumers. There's a vast difference of defining human with his doings rather than to his beings. Others have often mistakenly introducing themselves with their own acquisition with their doings for their beings. With a materialistic lifestyle of many people today, from the basic necessities up to the very vices, people are succumbed in meeting these commercialized needs. Thus, these put them in pressuring state. Thus these factors all goes into sociological attachment. Influence and social trend dictates the activities that people able to do customarily. Through these, society somehow set limits and norms in the human activities within its premise. Some of social stigma somehow made way in the midst of the people through the social norms and limits. Even technical components of men in some cases were under the common verdict of the social norms, like economic condition or even color of the skin. This inevitably set pressure to the one being
Theories of punishment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Theories of punishment - Term Paper Example Crime and punishment consider the philosophical concept of cause and effect. Crime causes suffering, pain, and losses to someone. Punishment also causes suffering, pain, and losses (â€Å"Crime†). Punishment is the effect in the form of penalty inflicted on an offender through a judicial procedure. Society imposes retribution on an individual who committed an act that public laws forbid. Society has numerous answers to the issue why an offender should be punished. Some of them are to stop them from committing further crimes, tell the victims that the society disapproves the act, and share their feelings, stop others from doing similar acts, and protect the community. The set forth above review indicates that society tries to punish all offenders who commit index crimes. Whether a sentence is carried out or not is exclusively law enforcement and judicial authority’s tasks and only statistical appraisal can confirm it, which is beyond the scope of this assignment. An inde x crime is committed willingly and non-index ones are perpetrated non-willingly. Non-index crimes consist of non-physical confrontation. For example, violation of liquor laws is a non-index crime, which does not cause pain, loss and suffering to another person. It is a non-index crime. ... The concept of utilitarian theory is: Does consequence (result of punishment) relate to the happiness of the largest number? Punishment in this theory works for the prevention of future crime. Retributive theory is past oriented and it seeks retribution from offenders for their crimes. It also conveys to the offender that the purpose of the punishment is to impose moral responsibility, and punishment does not account offender's future conduct. The salient feature of the above analysis points to the fact that society is more eager to punish those whose crimes consist of physical confrontation. We can conclude that non-index crimes are punished less often. The described above definition of the index and non-index crimes states that index crime consists of physical confrontation and non-index crimes consist of non-physical one. For example, homicide, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault cannot be committed without physical contact with the victim, while fraud, forgery, gamblin g, drug abuse, and disorderly conduct do not involve physical contact. That is why index crime, as a whole, causes more physical harm and financial loss than a non-index crime. According to the FBI report, property crimes in 2011 resulted in estimated losses of $156.6 billion (â€Å"Crime Statistics for 2010†). Part II The criminal justice system in general uses two punishment theories: utilitarianism and retributivism. The first theory states that criminal laws’ purpose is to prevent future harms while the following states the purpose is to punish past wrongs. Retributive justice has undergone different criticism. One of them defines that punishment for the same crime is different in different jurisdictions of the same country.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
English Language Learners Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
English Language Learners - Essay Example So, Slavit et al (2002) introduces many ways to learn second language along with highlighting similarities and differences. The main obstacle while learning English as a second language characterizes the students into two categories social and unsocial. For those students who possess a social and outgoing attitude, it is easier to learn as they are carefree about the mistakes and try experimenting the language while imitating phrases. Here they are not concerned about the mistakes. On the other hand it is difficult to learn English for those who possess a shy attitude and are conscious to what they should say and what not. Such students are unsocial and are concerned about grammatical mistakes. Hence it is difficult for them to utter and imitate phrases. ‘Errors’ and ‘Social Interaction’ are two profound approaches, which help a learner to learn the best of a language. Errors are the indicators of progress and if dealt positively can lead a child towards language perfection. In this context in case of errors it is not encouraging to adopt an attitude that points out errors in a learner, instead a better strategy is to highlight the correct form in the form of a model. Social interaction is another way of learning which not only is helpful in grasping new concepts but also encourages an individual to take part in oral and written language development through talking and listening. This is the reason for why today there is a growing trend of ‘chat forums’. According to Drucker (2003) there is a strong interconnection between listening and reading. This is evident from the fact that children who are able to read a little are when subjected to learn phonetic words, they found an ease to develop interest, which is helpful in learning and memorizing phonetic words, while on the other hand those words that are bore to pronounce are not remembered easily. In this context
Monday, September 23, 2019
Managing Human Capital Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Managing Human Capital - Assignment Example The researcher states that merit-pay systems can, in fact, serve to demotivate and even generate anxiety, thereby only contributing marginally as motivators of desired performance. Merit pay is usually rolled into the base salary and hence performance in one year will have the effect on the salary in the future. However, this is based on performance appraisal and the methods of performance appraisal followed by the organization are a controversial issue. Even if linkages to productivity do not exist, the plan communicates a useful message to employees. It is generally believed that individuals should be rewarded based on their contributions and hence merit-based pay serves to fulfill the â€Å"norm of distributive justice†. Thus it diffuses concerns among the employees about fairness and equity. Theories of motivation also support the basis of merit for pay. Managers are encouraged to link important outcomes to desired behaviors. Whether they base their decision on the reinfor cement theory or the expectancy theory, managers need to demonstrate to employees a link between performance and rewards. All these would indicate that basis of merit for pay is necessary as well as beneficial. Researchers express doubts whether performance can be accurately measured and there have been suggestions to make the measurement objective instead of subjective judgments. Moreover, individual performance is linked to others in the organization and this poses difficulties in calculating the individual contribution to the organization. Instead of output measures, behavioral measures can be considered but none is satisfied with such measures. Employees’ acceptance of the feedback systems creates problems as they do not accept the evaluations as accurate. Perceived favoritism is a problem in merit compensation systems due to the subjective nature of the performance evaluation process.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Communication Between People and Computers Essay
Communication Between People and Computers - Essay Example The action of the film is set in futuristic Los Angeles, in highly developed and technologically integrated and advanced society. Everything in the setting of the movie suggests that the audience faces the future society. First of all, it is a high level of technification: it seems that every person is very good with computers and has at least two devices, a smartphone at hand and a computer at home. Also, computers are really smart even compared to the latest developments people have today: they are controlled by voice, and their voice recognition functions are quite impressive. Finally, the level of integration of technology into human life does suggest the movie is set in the future. From what one sees on the screen, it is possible to draw the conclusion that it is the society, in which â€Å"anatomopolitics of the human body [†¦] and a regulatory pole centered on population with panoply of strategies concentrating on knowledge, control, and welfare†have been merged ( Rabinow 91). This is the world, in which people and technology are a unified whole and in which the traditional dichotomy of the society and technology does not work. In fact, it is the world where new understanding of people in regard to everything they made predominates. The way the city is shown also suggests that the movie is set in the future. More specifically, the streets are clean, and there is no dirt and trash there. People’s apartments as well as working space are bright, roomy, and various gadgets do not look like the modern ones.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
satire 1984 Essay Example for Free
satire 1984 Essay In Nineteen Eighty-four, George Orwell introduces Communism regime through the community of Oceania. Communism is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society, and single party control (Wikipedia). Most of party members are proles, working class. They are uneducated and unaware of what is happening; thus they are completely under the Partys control. Therefore, the party then can remove any possibilities of rebellion. Through the novel, Orwell uses satire to warn us about surveillance, physical and psychological intimidation, and isolation. Satire, a mode of writing that exposes the failings of individuals, institutions, or societies to ridicule and scorn. Satire is often an incidental element in literary works that may not be wholly satirical, especially in comedy (answers). Orwell, through the characters, predicts what our future will be like if the totalitarian regime remained in power. SURVEILLANCE: Winston Smith, the main character in the novel, is somehow different than other characters, even though he is a Party member. Since Winston is an intellectual man, he is able to discern the truth from the falsehood; thus he stands against the Party. He resists the party, resists the stifling in his life of being controlled. George Orwell satirizes the surveillance through these facts. He dreams about a girl ripping off her clothes. It represents the idea of throwing away the shackles that are imposed by the Party and Big Brother. He writes down with Big Brother in his diary. Now he commits thoughtcrime that he will be captured by the thought police sooner or later. Telescreens and portraits of Big Brother are everywhere; therefore, it is impossible to not being heard and seen. Party can check on citizens whenever and wherever, since each individual is coded: Smith! screamed the shrewish voice from the telescreen. 6079 Smith W! Yes, you! Bend lower please! You can do better than that (1,3,39) . No one is able to betray the Party. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU There is no freedom of speech in community of Oceania. An example to this fact is Winston. He is incapable of expressing his personal ideas about the Party. Moreover, Winston is unable to quit his job when he does not like it, and he is not allowed to keep any personal documents. George Orwell is clearly worried about our lack of privacy. Orwell predicts that our future will be governed by one ruler and that one ruler will watch every move we make. He worries about the future where we do not have freedoms. For example is freedom of speech which is impossible in some communism country. Physical, psychological intimidation and manipulation Through the main characters in the novel, George Orwell satirizes the physical, psychological intimidation, and manipulation of nazi regime and the Russian revolution. In the society of Oceania love, sex, joy, happiness, personal documents, thoughts, etc, are completely forbidden. The Morning exercise is a good example for physical manipulation. Winston lives in the world in which legitimate optimism is impossible because he is always being controlled by the thought police. Moreover, anyone who betrays the Party will be vaporized and their files will be rewritten, that is Winstons job to rewrite historical documents. They never existed and will never exist. In nineteen eighty-four, there should be no religion but the idea of Sacred Leader. Since, Winston writes down God is power( he is tortured again. On the other hand, Big Brother represents god; everyone worships him. In the beginning of the novel, the two minutes hate is introduced to the reader, which is somehow a public worship of Big Brother. George Orwell also explores the use of language to control peoples mind and thoughts. Dont you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thoughts? In the end it will make thoughtcrime impossible, because there will be no words in which to express (1,5,55) 2+2=5 is a symbol of manipulation of science. The Party has the power to control everything even science. The truth is wrong when the Party says it wrong Sexual life is totally forbidden under the Partys control. Winstons wife considers sex as a duty for a Party. She does not get any pleasure out of it. Julia, a young apathetic and rebellious girl, grows up under the Party regime. The society that she lives in is based on suspicion, spying, fear, hatred and intimidation. Julia obeys the Party but she does not believe in it, but she is way different from her lover Winston. Julia is somewhat selfish. She is interested in rebelling only for the pressures to be gained. Whereas Winston is fatalistic concerned about large-scale social issues, Julia is pragmatic and content live in the moment that makes the best for her life. Junior Spy is a symbol of educational manipulation in which very young children are brainwashed to embrace the Partys ideas. There are a lot of similarities between the Hitler Youth and Oceanias youth. The kids are taught to ferret out disloyal members and denounce anyone who criticizes the Party or Big Brother even their own parents. In the beginning of the novel, when Winston meets the Parsons Kids; they are dressed in the uniform of the Spies with a tough looking. Suddenly they leap around him shouting traitor. Later on, Mr. Parsons, Winstons comrade, gets caught because his little daughter listens at the keyhole and hears he sleeptalks Down with Big Brother. The two Parsons Kids beg their parents for take them to see the hanging. Activities for boys include War game which intends to toughen them up. In a few years they will hold real weapons not riffle toys. In the beginning of the novel, OBrien appears as a rebellious man who Winston suspects of him secretly opposing the Party. In fact, he is a powerful member of inner Party, and he tricks Winston into believing that he is a member of a revolution group called Brotherhood. Later, OBrien appears in Winstons jail cell as a party member to abuse and brainwash disloyal Winston. He admits that he pretended to be connected to the Brotherhood merely to trap Winston. In the end, OBrien successfully changes Winstons feeling toward Big Brother from hate to love. Orwell is again scared of physical and mind manipulation. He is worried that people will be control physically by propaganda, for example Junior Spy in the novel or the Physical Jerk. Moreover, Orwell predicts about how people are brainwashed by the Party, and his predictions come true. Nowadays, in some communism countries, for example Vietnam, every Party member are not allowed have religion, and then they will love the party most. ISOLATION: Through the character Winston and Goldstein, Orwell satires the isolation in human nature and totalitarianism society. Isolation appears often in the novel. Winston lives alone at his house with no companionship except the surveillance cameras and the telescreens. He has a world of his own only in his head. He cant have a social life because the party forbids any means of social communication. He writes in his diary because that is his only way of expressing his feelings and thoughts even though its considered thoughtcrime. Every person in the novel is isolated from the community; they can not have any open conversation with themselves. Goldstein represents Trotsky in real life. He stands against the party thus he is expelled from the party and sent out of the country. After Goldstein becomes a scapegoat of the Party, and he is brought up in Two Minutes Hate. George Orwell brings up the idea of isolation in the novel. He is afraid that the next generation will have the isolated life if the totalitarianism regime remains. Bibliography http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Communist , 11 January 2009 http://www. answers. com/satire , 11 January 2009 Spender, Stephen. Evil In Nineteen Eighty-Four. Harold Bloom, editor. George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four. USA: Chelsea House Publisher, 1996 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Automatic Fire Alarm System (A-FAS) Design
Automatic Fire Alarm System (A-FAS) Design ABSTRACT The safety of the environment and individuals is monitored and maintained by the important role fire alarm systems play. Although, the usability of many of the existing fire alarm systems is known by the users, however, they are produced with high cost thus not reasonable for the low-income users. The main objective of this project is to design a prototype of an automatic fire alarm system (A-FAS) with low cost. The A-FAS designed in this project contains two systems, the detection system and the alarm system. The detection system operates as the fire detector and consists of a smoke detector, heat detector and an emergency switch as a manual call point. This paper discusses the design and implementation of a microcontroller based fire alarm system. The detectors are placed in different zones and any signal from any detector at any zone will activate the alarm system. The alarm system consists of LEDs, LCD notification, buzzer and text message notifications. Furthermore, the system i s fitted with sensors at different zones to identify the presence of individuals, this feature aids the monitoring process of the system. The entire system is controlled by a microcontroller which is programmed using Arduino compiler. Upon completion of the prototype, the A-FAS detects smoke or any rise in temperature sensed by the detectors. Finally, when any of the sensors are triggered, the buzzer operates and the system sends a text message to the saved number. With the development of A-FAS, the safety of individuals and surroundings will be increased as the low cost of the system will promote users of all income levels to have one at their place or home. INTRODUCTION An overheated electrical appliance, a burning splinter or a burning cigarette or just about any of these can trigger a fire. Moreover, the presence of nylon settings and a sofa set which emanate poisonous gases if on fire, will render people helpless in a couple of minutes, before even realizing what is happening. ADT Security Service and the Chubb Alarm are the well-recognized companies that deal with security systems and have been the innovative leaders in security systems. The products offered by these companies vary from intruder alarms to highly sophisticated fire alarm systems. Furthermore, the systems built by these companies are high in cost and require a scheduled maintenance to be carried out by the companys specified authorities. Based upon the current existing high cost fire alarm systems that are available in the market, an automatic fire alarm system with low cost has been developed. The A-FAS consists of two subsystems; detection system and alarm system. The A-FAS detection system has smoke detecting capabilities as it incorporates an optical smoke detector. Moreover, it is interfaced with heat detector and an emergency switch. The system features counting capabilities based on infrared sensors to ease the determination of individuals in case of emergency. The A-FAS alarm system is associated with the detection system to ease the process of alarming individuals in the event of fire. The alarm system consists of LED and LCD notifications displaying the location of the fire. A buzzer is also incorporated in the system. The system sends text message alerts as it incorporates a GSM module. Finally, the main part of the A-FAS that controls the entire operation is the microcontroller. This thesis describes the design and operation of a microcontroller based fire alarm system that could contribute to saving lives and reduce property losses with low cost. Aim The main purpose of this project is to design and prototype an automatic fire alarm system (A-FAS) with effective and competitive usage and can be produced at a low cost. This system is designed to be easy to operate by any user and is user friendly. The A-FAS is also been designed using minimum hardware at the lower level of processing. The system is not restricted to the mentioned inputs and outputs, however, can be altered per customer needs without having to design a new system. Problem Identification The complexity of the existing fire alarm system in the market nowadays is too high in terms of design and structure. Due to the complexity of the system, regular preventive maintenance is required to be carried out to make sure that the system is operating well. Moreover, the scheduled maintenance adds to the cost of the using the system. Therefore, the proposed fire alarm system is designed with a low cost and can be used by any user for safety purposes. Project Objectives There are several objectives that are required to be accomplished in developing the A-FAS to determine the purpose and the direction of this project. This project aims to achieve the following objectives: To design a low-cost microcontroller based fire alarm system. To develop a prototype of the fire alarm system using smoke detector, heat detector, emergency switch and infrared sensors as inputs to the system. Moreover, using LEDs, LCD display, buzzer and text messages as outputs to the system. To develop a prototype with the capability of customizing the system to meet with the customer requirements with regards to the inputs and outputs, without having to redesign a new system. To develop an automatic fire alarm system to safeguard the user and their surroundings, while being user friendly to accommodate the need of the masses. Project Scope To achieve the above objectives, the project needs to be implemented as below: The heart of the fire alarm system is to be a microcontroller to control the entire operations involved. The fire alarm system is to count the number of individuals present in the locations where the infrared modules are installed. Capable of displaying the source of the alarm on the LCD display. Capable of sending SMS notifications via GSM module interfaced in the system. Project limitation Since the project is interfaced with a GSM module that needs a SIM card to send SMS notifications and thus the system is limited to the amount of credit available on the SIM. Moreover, the system includes infrared sensors that are used to count the number of people entering and exiting the zone and thus to make the system more sensitive and receive only the infrared radiation from the correct source, the infrared modules need to be placed with a minimum distance of 2 meters. Furthermore, to receive live data from the sensors to produce visual output to the user in terms of if any sensor is disconnected from the system, the system is required to have personalized sensors. System Overview Figure 1.1 defines the inputs and outputs interfaced to the microcontroller device. The A-FAS has the features of interfacing additional inputs and outputs based on customer needs. Color Type of sensor Infrared sensors Smoke detector Hear detector Emergency switch The A-FAS works in a loop checking all the input sources and acting accordingly. The smoke detector, hear detector and the emergency switch transmit a signal to the microcontroller once triggered, this notifies the microcontroller to hazard the surroundings via the output devices. A keypad is added in the system to allow the user to interface and monitor the system. The Atmega2560 microcontroller acts as the heart of the Fire Alarm System which controls the entire system. The signals being received from the sensors are being compared by the Atmega2560 to either hazard the surroundings for the existence of fire or to hazard the surroundings for the presence of a fault in the system. Moreover, the system can alert the surroundings via a buzzer and LED notifications as well as SMS notifications once the Atmega2560 microcontroller receives signals that there is fire present in one of the zones. Thesis structure This thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter explains the problem statement, objectives, scopes and limitations of the project. The second chapter in this thesis is the projects literature review, which is based on the detection components of the A-FAS, the ATmega2560 and a comparison between microcontrollers and microprocessors. Moreover, this chapter contains summary of several available inventories software available in todays market and previous projects developed by engineers. Furthermore, chapter three describes the phases involved in the development of the A-FAS. There are four phases involved in the production of the fire alarm system which include the research phase, the designing phase, development phase and the analysis phase. Chapter four of this thesis discusses the system design process involved and the hardware and software development. Moreover, chapter five explains the results of the system development of the A-FAS and its analysis based on the system operation and functions. Finally, chapter six concludes the project and the recommendation suggestions for the continuity of the project and future work. The sixth chapter aids to the continuity of the project by other individuals interested as they can refer to it to develop the system. CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW As mentioned earlier in the previous chapter, cost factor plays a very important role in this project. Subsequently, to design a system with the objectives mentioned above requires research and studies that are described in this chapter. This chapter will include three subtopics, previous case study on fire alarm systems, hardware and software studies. Fire Alarm System: Related Work According to Bao Minzhong, Jianmei, Niihau Xiao and Wang [1], the function of the fire alarm system is to detect fire at an early stage providing sufficient time to produce high reliable judgment results. If the fire alarm system nosedives to notify the user in the presence of fire for the user to take appropriate measures, the system fails as alarm systems should cause the operator to respond. Moreover, Brown Campbell [2] suggested that for a system not to fail, it must require positive feedback from the operator. Nur Abd Aziz [3] proposed a fire alarm system consisting of three sensors, thermistor hear sensor, infrared sensors and infrared smoke sensors. The thermistor heat sensor was used to detect the rate at which temperature rises and high temperatures. The infrared sensors were used for intruder alarms to detect the presence or any motion, acting as a burglar alarm system. The infrared smoke sensors were used to identify fire in its early stages or smoldering. In the presence of fire, the water sprinklers are automatically switched on and the burglary alarm is activated. The known catalysts for fire is smoke, flame and heat but only smoke and smoke sensors have been applied and emphasized. Furthermore, when a fire occurs, the highly sensitive motion sensors will respond to normal environmental vibration which could be caused by moving cars or planes overhead. Furthermore, Chew and Ing Ming [4] proposed a similar system consisting of smoke detector, heat detector and a burglar alarm. In the event of smoke or a rise in the temperature, the system sends a signal to the microcontroller which in return operates a buzzer. Moreover, the microcontroller operates an auto redialing telephone programmed with specific number. This system. Moreover, the system is implemented with photo-electric sensor and inductive proximity switches. The photo-electric sensor is activated when transmitter cannot send light to the receiver. The inductive proximity switch is normally used for metal detection and activates when a metal is detected in the system. Once any of the sensors is activated, the microcontroller will sound the buzzer and flash LEDs. Chew and Ing Ming categorized the system proposed for industrial purposed. The complexity of this system contributes to the inability of installing such system at homes or offices. Detection components of the Fire alarm system Sensors are types of transducers that responds to a type of energy by producing another type of energy signal, usually electric [5]. Some of the sensors available include acoustic, biological, chemical and electromagnetic. These are used in many applications and are heavily used in the medicine industry and robotics as a source of detection components. The detection components of the A-FAS consist of smoke sensors, heat sensors and infrared sensors. Smoke Sensors Smoke detectors are devices designed to detect a fire while it is in its early stages or smoldering, duplicating the sense of smell. These devices have gained a wide usage in the residential and life safety applications. There is no debate that smoke detectors is the single most effective method of reducing fire damages and death. 90% to 95% of fire deaths occur in residential buildings (NZFS, 1993), targeting this will help accomplish the most cost-effective results. Studies of various types of smoke detectors, in particular photoelectric and ionization smoke detectors, illustrates that, one type of detector will be expected to perform better than the other, depending on the source of the smoke. Natarianni (1993) concludes that in flaming wood crib fires, the ionization smoke detectors activate before the photoelectric detectors. This conclusion is from simulated fires in hospital patient rooms. However, most importantly, both detectors activated before threatening the patients life. Moreover, a series of full-scale tests of smoke detectors installed in corridors and bedrooms of residential areas was conducted by Kennedy et al (1978). They concluded that inadequate warning in smoldering fires were often produced by ionization detectors. Subsequently, reducing the time available for escape once activated and the escape routes may be smoked-logged. Photoelectric smoke detectors contain a light emitting device, most commonly a light-emitting diode(LED), a smoke chamber and a photosensitive device that produced a monitored current from receiving light directly from the light source. The intensity of tech light reaching the photosensitive device is reduced by the smoke that enters the chamber. A drop in the intensity below a certain level causes a drop in the current produced by the photosensitive device, which is detected by the sensor control circuitry. Dropping the current below a preset threshold results in triggering the smoke alarm. Table 2.1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of photoelectric smoke detectors. The complete specification of the smoke detector used in the A-FAS can be obtained in Appendix A. Table 2.1: Advantages disadvantages of photoelectric smoke detector [6]. Advantages Disadvantages Sensitive to visual particles of smoke. Provide early warning. Detects smoldering low heat fires. Detects presence of smoke, not toxicity. Can be installed in any of the following typical locations: Office areas Clean rooms Atriums and corridors Sleeping rooms Storage closets Early contamination by dust causing reduced sensitivity. Must be cleaned on a regular basis. Has a potential for high false alarm rate, however, lower than the ionization smoke detectors. Heat Sensors A heat sensor detects abnormal rate of temperature rise or high temperatures. There are numbers of various heat detectors available in the market, which include: Thermistor. Thermocouple. Resistance temperature device. Diode based temperature sensor. There are certain features to consider while choosing the best heat sensor for any use. These features are summarized in table 2.2. Table 2.2 Features of various heat sensors [7]. Thermocouple RTD THERMISTOR SEMICONDUCTOR High accuracy and repeatability. Fair linearity Poor linearity Linearity: 1oC Accuracy: 1oC Needs cold junction compensation Requires excitation Requires excitation Requires excitation Widest Range: -148oC to +2300 oC Widest Range: -200oC to +850 oC Widest Range: 0 oC to +100 oC Widest Range: -55oC to +150 oC Low voltage output Low cost High sensitivity 10mV/K,20mV/K Typical output The LM35 temperature sensor are precision integrated circuit temperature sensors, which will be used to develop the A-FAS. This sensor is fully rated from -55 Â °C to +150 Â °C and with the linear scale factor of 10mV/Â °C. It operates from 4 to 30 V, has less than 60 ÂÂ µA drain current and has low self-heating (0.08 Â °C in still air). The control circuitry or the interfacing of LM35 is easy due to the low output impedance, linear output and precise inherent calibration. The LM35 series is available in hermetic TO transistor packages, while the LM35C, LM35CA and LM35D are available in TO-92 transistor package. The LM35D is also available in an 8-lead surface-mount small outline package and a plastic TO-220 package. [8] (Reprinted from datasheet of LM35 [8].) The LM35 can function as a basic centigrade temperature sensor sense temperature between +2 oC and +150 oC and can function as a full -range centigrade temperature sensor sensing temperature between -55 oC to +150 oC. Figure 2.1 illustrates the circuitry for using the sensor for both functions, where +Vs is the voltage supplied to the sensor. Adjusting the output voltage of the sensor enables the temperature to be obtained in degree centigrade. Infrared Sensors: There are many sensors available for obstacle detection such as infrared sensors, ultrasonic sensors, camera and laser based sensor system (LIDAR). In this thesis, infrared sensors are used to accomplish the task of counting the numbers of individuals in the placed installed. Low cost with accuracy is one of the main objectives of this project, hence infrared sensors were selected for the design. These sensors are widely used for measuring distances and obstacle detection and have faster response time than ultrasonic sensors [10]. Moreover, power consumption of the infrared sensors is lower than that of ultrasonic sensors [11]. Infrared sensors are categorized as diffuse reflection sensors and retro-reflective sensors. The latter is mainly used in harsh environment conditions and has a larger detection range than the diffuse reflective sensors [12]. Infrared sensors utilize a light sensor to detect a selective light wavelength in the spectrum. When an object obstructs the sensor, the light from the LED is broken by the object and the signal is not received by the receiver. ATmega2560 Microcontroller As defined by James L. Atonakos [13], microcontrollers are souped-up microprocessors with built-in features such as RAM, ROM, A/D, Interval timers and parallel input and output ports. Atmega2560 (figure 2.2), is a powerful flash microcontroller that contains many features in a 100-pin package. The datasheet of the ATmega2560 is attached in Appendix B. The definition of a flash microcontroller is that it can be programmed and erased instantly without the usage of ultra-violet light. The Atmega2560 is an 8-bit microcontroller with a powerful execution of instructions in a single clock cycle leading to the achievement of 1 MIPS per MHz, allowing the designer to optimize power consumption vs processing speed [14]. The internal architecture of the microcontroller is shown in figure 2.3. The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the microcontroller that controls the execution of the program, therefore able to access memories, handle interrupts and perform calculations. The microcontroller unit (MCU) consists of 256K bytes of in-system flash, 4K bytes EEPROM and 8K bytes of SRAM, which are used for memory. Other features include [14]: 86 programmable input and output ports. Ultra-low power consumption in active and power down mode. flexible timer/counters with compare modes and internal and external interrupts. Code protection facility, which is one of the best in the industry. Comparison between microcontroller and microprocessor The fact that microcontrollers may have one or two operational codes for moving data from external memory to the CPU, whereas, microprocessors have many operational codes, is the best way to exemplify the contrast between microcontrollers and microprocessors. Microcontrollers have many types of bit handling instructions, however, microprocessors have one or two. In conclusion, the microcontroller is concerned with rapid movement of bits within the chip, whereas, microprocessors are concerned with rapid movement of codes and data from external addresses to the chip. Microcontrollers can function as a computer with the addition of no external digital parts, however, microprocessors must have many digital parts to be operational [15]. OrCAD Figure 2.4 shows the OrCAD software used for circuit designing, testing and circuit analyzing. Generally, OrCAD is a software used to produce printed circuit board (PCB) layouts. The circuit was drawn onto the PCB board using OrCAD Capture, where footprints for each component was researched. The design rule check ensures that there are no errors present in the circuit. Arduino IDE The Arduino IDE (Integrated development environment) is a platform application from ATmega microcontrollers. Figure 2.5 shows the Arduino version used to compiling the program. Arduino IDE is used for writing, debugging, and optimizing ATmega microcontroller applications for firmware product design. Arduino programs are written in C or C++ and the software comes with a library called wiring which makes may common outputs and inputs operations much easier. Fire alarm systems available in the market There are several types of fire alarm system available in the market today. The various fire alarm systems from different developers vary in terms of implementation and functionality. Research has been carried out to investigate the technology and features used to develop each of the systems and compared them with the proposed A-FAS system. Table 2.3 concludes the results on the research, [16] [17]. Table 2.3 Manufacturers products Specifications SECURE 6000 INTELLIGUARD 2900 Developer Chubb Alarm ADT Fire and Security Fire monitoring Available Available Security monitoring system Available Available Service and maintenance Provided Provided Main features Sounding the alarm at first sign of smoke Combination of interior motion, door and window. Controlled via a remote control Plugs into telephone line to provide back to back monitoring system. Connected to signal fire condition to ADT customer monitoring center. Computer assisted reporting. Expandable used microprocessor to offer extensive flexibility. Reduce false alarm since the system can locate the origin of the alarm. Cost $2,055 $1,800 CHAPTER III Methodology This methodology chapter describes the planning and research involved in the development of the entire A-FAS system. The progress of this project was due to the division of the work in four phases; research phase, designing phase, development phase and the analysis phase. Introduction The fire alarm system described in this thesis is divided in to two sections, which are the hardware and the software sections. These sections play a vital role in the effectivity and the functionalities of the system. In order to start developing the project, there are few procedures that must be considered. Thus, earlier planning is important in designing and developing the A-FAS. The related phases have been illustrated in figure 3.1. Research phase The first phase of this methodology deals with the systems literature studies, research and analysis. Problem identification is included in the research phase. Moreover, the system objectives are determined by observations and theoretical information obtained from internet sources, journals, books and magazines. During this phase, the system requirements are determined, which include the hardware and software interfacing. Furthermore, the research and analysis conducted on the existing systems available in todays market is included in the research phase, as well as reviews on previous projects developed by organizations or individuals. A few problems have been identified based on the current research that has been done, which include: Burglar alarms are combined with the fire alarms in the same system, leading to confusion and inability to identify the source of the alarm by the user. The systems available are designed for specific purposes, providing the user with no options of customization of the fire alarm inputs and outputs. The cost of the systems is too high for low income individuals to secure their lives and properties by purchasing one. Websites and documentations were the source of reviews on analysis activities conducted in this phase. The system planning and development scheduling were then determined in this phase which suited the chosen development methodology. Upon completion of this phase, the system scopes, specifications and Gantt chart were produced. Designing Phase The second phase of the system development is the designing phase. The main objective of this phase is to translate or transform the requirements and analysis obtained from the research phase into design specifications for system implementation and construction. This phase involves a vital task for the success of the automatic fire alarm system, which is the hardware design of the system. Designing of the A-FAS hardware system The A-FAS hardware design involves detection components and the microcontroller. The detections components which are the smoke detector, heat detector, infrared sensors and an emergency switch are connected to the microcontroller. The latter is the control unit identifying the source and location of the fire if any of the input detection devices is triggered. A text message will be sent and a buzzer will be activated for individuals to evacuate the premises. Smoke sensors The system has been implanted using a Mercure photoelectric smoke detector. The system has the capability of being interfaced with most of the market available smoke detectors. However, to interface the smoke detector to the microcontroller, the smoke detector circuit is required to be altered. The smoke detector then sends a signal to the microcontroller in the event of emergency. The photoelectric smoke detector used in this project is very effective and highly recommended by users, with a low cost. These devices offer high power dissipation capability and are ideally suited for hostile environments. Heat sensors The LM35 temperature sensor has an output voltage which is linearly proportional to temperature in centigrade, thus the sensor is suitable for the project. The sensor draws very small amount of current which makes it very low self-heating. Figure 3.2 describes th
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Themes in Steinbecks Of Mice and Men :: essays research papers
Of Mice and Men Essay Writing In this essay I will be discussing the novel 'Of Mice and Men' and the importance of the American dream which is a main theme in the novel. I will also be mentioning some other themes which are present such as loneliness, racism, ageism, hardship, friendship and broken dreams. The American dream states ?All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.? America is supposed to be a land built on opportunity. It promised independence, land and a decent living throughout honest work. It also meant in theory that anyone can become successful. It is a great dream for the lucky few that succeed, Throughout this novel the theme of the American dream plays a major role. The characters Lennie and George?s dream is to buy their own ranch together and be their own boss. Throughout the novel the dream is mentioned monotonously by Lennie and George and soon it becomes Candy?s dream, so it is very important throughout the novel because these characters rely on it and it is the only hope which they have left. The dream is very important because it is what some of the characters rely on and what keeps them going, just the thought that one day they may actually achieve this dream and escape the loneliness and disappointment and peril which is their lives. The dream of the ranch keeps George and Lennie going through the tough times and it infects others like Candy and Crooks yet is just a bunch of words repeated over and over again. It starts off being said rhythmically but by the end they?re spoken monotonously. When George finally accepts that dreams don?t come true, the dream becomes a burden to him. ?Tell about that place George?. Fragment (consider revising) ?Go on-tell again George!? This is a bit of a comfort story for Lennie which you tell a child. Themes in Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men :: essays research papers Of Mice and Men Essay Writing In this essay I will be discussing the novel 'Of Mice and Men' and the importance of the American dream which is a main theme in the novel. I will also be mentioning some other themes which are present such as loneliness, racism, ageism, hardship, friendship and broken dreams. The American dream states ?All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.? America is supposed to be a land built on opportunity. It promised independence, land and a decent living throughout honest work. It also meant in theory that anyone can become successful. It is a great dream for the lucky few that succeed, Throughout this novel the theme of the American dream plays a major role. The characters Lennie and George?s dream is to buy their own ranch together and be their own boss. Throughout the novel the dream is mentioned monotonously by Lennie and George and soon it becomes Candy?s dream, so it is very important throughout the novel because these characters rely on it and it is the only hope which they have left. The dream is very important because it is what some of the characters rely on and what keeps them going, just the thought that one day they may actually achieve this dream and escape the loneliness and disappointment and peril which is their lives. The dream of the ranch keeps George and Lennie going through the tough times and it infects others like Candy and Crooks yet is just a bunch of words repeated over and over again. It starts off being said rhythmically but by the end they?re spoken monotonously. When George finally accepts that dreams don?t come true, the dream becomes a burden to him. ?Tell about that place George?. Fragment (consider revising) ?Go on-tell again George!? This is a bit of a comfort story for Lennie which you tell a child.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Dance Quotes :: Drama
Dance Quotes "Dance isn't a form it's a way of life." ~anonymous "Dancers are the athletes of God." ~Albert Einstein "To tap or not to tap...silly question!!" ~anonymous "We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams." "Whatever you want to do, do it. There are only so many tomorrows" "Imagination is more important than knowledge" ~Albert Einstein "To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking." ~Agnes De Mille "If dancing were any easier it would be called football." ~anonymous "Quitters never win and winners never quit." ~anonymous "Try to be fearless, because fear can inhibit you and keep you from a life." ~Miranda Weese (NYCB) "If ballet was easy then everyone would be doing it." ~anonymous "Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another." ~anonymous "The Dancer believes that his art has something to say which cannot be expressed in words or in any other way than by dancing... there are times when the simple dignity of movement can fulfill the function of a volume of words. There are movements which impinge upon the nerves with a strength that is incomparable, for movement has power to stir the senses and emotions, unique in itself. This is the dancer's justification for being, and his reason for searching further for deeper aspects of his art." ~Doris Humphrey, 1937 "Behind each victory is a long train of suffering!" ~anonymous "I don't have an attitude, I'm just REALLY good!" ~Dance Caravan "The people who do not dance are the dead." ~Jerry Rose of Dance Caravan "Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels." ~anonymous "If you say you can you can, but if you say you can't your right!" ~anonymous "You know you're dancing when tears of pain and happiness blend in with your sweat" ~anonymous "We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams." "Artists lead unglamorous daily lives of discipline and routine, but their work is full of passion. Each has a vision and feels responsibility to that vision." ~Merryl Brockway "Dancers are an admirable bunch of people. The way they work. The stress is extraordinary. It's a difficult career. I think it's hellish; the fact that they are over the hill as they're emotionally
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Club Owners Must Not Allow Underage Drinking Essay -- Argumentative Es
Prohibiting nightclubs from admitting people under age twenty-one will take some weight off of parents, club owners, drivers and innocent bystanders. With the economy sinking, many owners are making what they believe a wise financial decision by allowing eighteen to twenty year olds in their clubs. They are mixing eighteen to twenty in with the twenty-one and up crowd, as failing clubs owners only see more people more money. Every night thousands of young adults eighteen to twenty years old are let into nightclubs and everyone is at a great risk. Fewer and fewer clubs are now allowing those under the drinking age into their establishment. To eliminate a cause leading to more underage drinking, young adults eighteen to twenty should not be allowed into nightclubs serving alcohol. Throughout the course of this essay, I intend to prove that banning those under the legal drinking age from nightclubs serving alcohol not only benefits the community as a whole, but it helps each under age d rinker as well. It is often argued that young adults eighteen to twenty are financial savors to club owners. Patron’s eighteen to twenty are considered adults; therefore they are responsible enough to be allowed in clubs serving alcohol, bringing more money into the club every night. This argument does not address the fact that when people under the legal drinking age are in an environment where they have access to alcohol one of them will drink. They will become irresponsible due to the amount consumed. The club owners will then be fined, as well as their liquor license. Young adults, eighteen to twenty, are not nightclubs financial savors, under the influence they cost more money then made. Nightclubs are trying to keep their doors open and popula... ...ablishment. Owners will not have to worry about losing money, liquor license, or part of the twenty-one and up crowd. Allowing people under the drinking age limit into a club serving alcohol can result in death, rape, fights, and car accidents. Although, many club owners are worried about losing revenue they should consider the cost of just one teen caught drinking in their club. Denying entry to anyone under the age twenty one into a club not only benefit the twenty one and up crowd but also club owners, parents, and teens themselves. Works Cited "Alcohol and Development in Youth-A Multidisciplinary Overview." Alcohol Research and Health 28.3 (2005): 111-20. ProQuest. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. Wagenaar, Alexander C., et al. "Sources of alcohol for underage drinkers." Journal of Studies on Alcohol 57.3 (1996): 325. Academic OneFile. Web. 10 Mar. 2011
Cavleta Dining Services, Inc: A Recipe for Growth? Essay
What role (if any) have Calveta’s values played in the organization’s success? Calveta’s values played a significant role in the business’ success. He motivates and empowers the members of the staff. Antonio ensured that staff members viewed themselves as valued members of the organization and understands that their job is to take care of their clients, respectfully. The same approach was used with the clients ensuring them that the goal of the organization was to fully take care of their needs 2.Does Calveta’s operating approach offer a sustainable competitive advantage? Calveta’s current operating approach offers a sustainable competitive advantage. Calveta empowered employees to achieve their fullest potential. It was stated that in concept that the employees are the most important capital in the company and in order to uphold that concept the company invested in their employees and offered growth potential. Promote from within culture was evident at Calveta. 3.Why haven’t other food service providers copied Calveta’s approach? Antonio Calveta’s approach is the base for his organization. He worked hard to maintain the mission of the company. As a result of this, it would be difficult to duplicate his approach. The goal of the majority of companies is to make a high profit and that’s all that they would work towards. However, Calveta’s promise to deliver fresh products and provide great service creates a good profit margin without it being their focus. Calveta’s approach is costly to them but it works and produces a profit. Most other companies would not utilize such methods for fear of losing their profits. 4.Given Calveta’s communication and internal organizational challenges, how important will training and development be to maintaining growth and culture? Training and professional development are key to the maintenance of any company’s growth and culture. Leaders of any strong company should realize that improving skill set, increasing knowledge, and employees’ job satisfaction are important to the positive growth of the company. Providing training and development provides opportunities for workers to gain managerial skills and gain managerial skills and gain upward mobility in the company. 5.Calveta’s fifth goal is profitable growth. Goals one through four are more ethical in nature. Is goal five inconsistent with the first four? I believe that the fifth goal is consistent with the first set of goals. Goals one through four focuses on the clients and the employees, which are aligned to the company’s vision and mission. Once goals one through four are achieved, then goal five will automatically be attained because with increased clients, comes increased profits. 6.How, if at all, should Calveta’s organizational structure be changed to resolve communication issues, preserve the company’s culture, and support future growth? An internal survey usually is a useful tool to gauge employees’ dissatisfaction. From the collection of data, an action plan needs to be put in place to address the levels of dissatisfaction. In order to safeguard the company’s culture and support future growth, Calveta must achieve an acceptable level of communication among its units and departments’ heads. Restructuring will be an advantageous way of maintaining the Antonio’s way of culture. Effective cross-boundary work and collaboration required for dealing with complexity and change is required. Increasing engagement within the top leadership team and employees will help the company grow. 7.Should Frank Calveta move forward with an expansion into the hospital sector? With the proposed acquisition? Due to the current financial situation with the company the expansion into the hospital sector should be put on hold at this time. The expansion into the hospital industry should be proposal for a goal for future growth possibility. The proposed acqusitions advantages are ripe for expanding however, Calveta needs to clear up its financial and business issues before expanding with GSD.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Career Transition
Career Transition In this paper, I will research career transition and how it has impacted the workforce and management. I will present from three research articles that I feel are important in understanding how career transition affects adults who are transitioning from one career to another. As an HRM, one of the biggest parts of our job will be to recruit new talent. Traditional careers are falling to the wayside and emerging is a type of employee who has been around the block once or twice. I am going to focus on first the way careers are changing, then I am going to look at the military and how they prepare their retirees, many of whom are still in their 30’s, for retirement, and finally, I will look at career transition and what role HR plays. Gone are the days of staying with one company until you are eligible for the pension and a gold watch. The average person born in the later years of the baby boom held 10. 8 jobs from age 18 to age 42, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U. S. Department of Labor (Number of Jobs Held, Labor Market Activity, and Earnings Growth Among the Youngest Baby Boomers: Results From a Longitudinal Survey Summary , 2008). Career transition is no longer looked at as something to avoid putting on your resume. It seems like everyone it doing. So how can a person make the transition smooth and successful? Career transition often requires employing new tools, skills and/or a switch in perception. In her article, Beyond the Career Mystique: â€Å"Time in,†â€Å"Time out,†and â€Å"Second Acts†, Phyllis Moen. states that Americans confront a major mismatch between outdated career and retirement regimes and the exigencies of (1) family responsibilities, and (2) the risks and uncertainties associated with a competitive, global, and information-based economy. Unlike privileged workers in the 1950s, members of America's 21st-century workforce find it increasingly rare to have either a full-time homemaker or a secure, â€Å"lifetime†job. This mismatch challenges both scholars and policy makers to revisit, research, and rewrite the disparate scripts constituting the rules of the career game. The mid-20th-century bargain of trading a lifetime of paid work for a lifetime of income security-never a reality except for a group of middle-class office workers and unionized production workers in the post war economic boom of the 1950s-is probably gone forever. (Moen) Her points regarding the changing career climate are spot on. Many of he lifetime jobs are ones that have no real advancement potential. A GS (Government Service) job will allow for increases in pay due to step promotion and COLA increases, but in order to advance into a higher GS position a person would have to make significant gains in their education and/or work experience. Both of these might require leaving the current job for a time period. In some cases, the GS jobs have no advancement potential even with additional education, a person would have to quit t heir current job and reapply for a new position. Even more evidence that points to employers changing the career game is an article published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that states that employ ¬ers are replacing defined-benefit retirement plans with defined-contribution retirement plans, allowing employers to shift more responsibility for retire ¬ment income to the employee. (U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010) So what are the consequences of this alteration of the career landscape? The median age of workers are increasing. The prime age group, composed of 25- to 54-year-olds, is projected to increase by 1. million and make up 63. 5 percent of the total labor force in the target year. The youth labor force, composed of 16- to 24-year-olds, is expected to decline from the 2008 level, but will remain over 21 million in 2018. The military is one area that has a great deal of experience with career change. Not only do the military members change jobs frequently, most retire after only 20 years of service. This puts someo ne who may only be 38 in the position finding new employment at a relatively young age. A study examined the concerns of retiring Marine Corps noncommissioned officers (NCOs) as they experience the adult career transition of retirement from military service and transition to the civilian workplace. Analysis of focus group transcripts reveal a range of concerns related to the transition factors cited in Schlossberg’s Transition Theory as the 4 S’s: situation, self, support, strategy. The study provided insight on the issues and challenges Marine Corps noncommissioned officers (NCOs), and all Military Personnel face upon retirement based on the following articulated themes: cultural, community, social and psychological concerns. The paper suggested that programming be offered to facilitate transition and should also address psychological and social concerns which may improve the quality and outcomes of transition to a new role in civilian life. (Johnston, Fletcher, Ginn, & Stein) Many of these jobs are in the skilled labor fields which are light on EAP's to assist once the transition has occurred. Next to the military, education is another area that see its fair share of transition. A quick Google search on career transition will bring up a plethora of sites offering advice on starting a second career in teaching. The main areas that see an influx are secondary high school education teachers and entry-level college instructors. Why are these areas so appealing? One paper seeks to reviews the current theory in areas relevant to industry-to-academia career transitions, and to outline a theory that targets this category of employee directly. They sought to outline the first step toward a limited theory explaining the special needs and motivations of industry-to-academia career transitions. Throughout this paper, the hybrid academic institution, consisting of a traditional core and a nontraditional periphery, received special emphasis. While the research did not conclusively define the reasons behind the transition, consider the following concepts: (1) proteanism, or the protean approach to career transitions; (2) transition types; and (3) human values. (Bandow, Minsky, & Steven) All of which are indicative not only in instances of industry-to-academia career transitions, but in most all other areas as well. Even for the most experienced and well-educated person, transition does require some finesse. Here are a few tips that can help make the change less traumatic. It is important to take a serious look at the many possibilities and outcomes before you jump into a new career or field. Consider these 10 tips as you make a transition from your present career to your next: 1. Have a clear plan. The smartest move that you can make is to carefully map out an effective career-change strategy. This should include a detailed action plan that takes into consideration finances, research, education, and training. Keep in mind that a successful career change can take several months or longer to accomplish, so patience is key. . Wait for the right time. The best time to consider a new career is when you are safely ensconced in your existing position. It is understood that a steady paycheck can relieve a lot of pressure. There are many ways to take steps toward your new career path; you can volunteer or offer yourself as a freelancer or consultant. This can help you to â€Å"test the waters†in your desired new field. 3. Be sure of your reasons. Just because you’re unhappy in your current job isn’t a strong enough reason to make a total career break. Carefully analyze whether it is your actual career you dislike or whether your employer, supervisor, or office situation is the problem. 4. Do your research. Be sure to examine all possibilities before attempting a career jump. Talk to people in your network; read career and job profiles; meet with a career management professional. The more information with which you arm yourself beforehand, the more successful you will be. 5. Decide what is important. This is the best time for thoughtful self-reflection. Ask yourself what it is you really want to do with the rest of your life. Take an honest inventory of your likes and dislikes, and evaluate your skills, values, and personal interests. Many people who are looking to change careers do so to find a balance between their personal and professional lives, to accomplish the right mix of meaning and money. You may want to consider consulting a career coach and/or taking a career assessment test. 6. Examine your qualifications. Do you have the necessary experience and education to be considered a qualified candidate in your desired career field? If not, you need to find a way to bridge the credentials gap. This might mean making your goal more long-term while you go back to school or receive additional training. 7. Learn about the industry. Get a feel for the field that interests you. Read industry journals, attend conferences, and talk to people in the profession about what they do. Learn whether your target industry has growth potential. Trade magazines, organizations, and entrepreneurs have created a slew of Web sites that offer searchable databases where job openings in many specific industries are listed. Start looking at these sites on a regular basis. 8. Develop your network. Begin nurturing professional friendships early and tend them regularly. Professional organizations and job industry trade associations are a good place to start. Many of them hold networking events and job fairs. 9. Update your job search skills. It is especially important to polish up your job-hunting skills and techniques before you get out there and start networking. Make sure you are using your time and resources as effectively as possible. 10. Pay your dues. Do not expect to begin at the same level of seniority in your new career that you held in your old one. It will take time to move up the ranks, but if you find a new career that you absolutely love, it will be worth it. (Ten Tips on Making a Successful Career Change) In conclusion, with the continued changing landscape of today's business world, career change is here to stay. People are having to work further into what used to be the retirement years and some are deciding to live to work instead of work to live. Whatever the reason the challenges of a career transition can be frustrating and rewarding at the same time. The most important thing is to be true to you and to not be afraid of new horizons. Works Cited Bandow, D. , Minsky, B. D. , & Steven, R. (n. d. ). Reinventing The Future: Investigating Career Transitions From Industry To Academia. Cote, M. B. (2004). Service quality and attrition: an examination of a pediatric obesity program. International Journal for Quality in Health Care , 16 (2), 165-173. Johnston, S. , Fletcher, E. , Ginn, G. , & Stein, D. (n. d. ). Adult Career T ransition: Exploring the Concerns of Military Retirees. Moen, P. (n. d. ). Beyond the Career Mystique: â€Å"Time in,†â€Å"Time out,†and â€Å"Second Acts†. Number of Jobs Held, Labor Market Activity, and Earnings Growth Among the Youngest Baby Boomers: Results From a Longitudinal Survey Summary . (2008, June ). Retrieved 07 2010, from U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics : http://www. bls. gov/news. release/nlsoy. nr0. htm Ten Tips on Making a Successful Career Change. (n. d. ). Retrieved July 2010, from All Business: http://www. allbusiness. com/human-resources/careers-changing-jobs/1618-1. html U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2010, March). Record unemployment among older workers. Issues In Labor Statistics , pp. 1-3.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Questions and Answers on Computer Memory
Many changes have been seen lately in both 1/0 and memory. What are some of the newer technology innovations you have seen In regards to 1/0 and Memory? What are the different types of Memory and how much Is recommended? In the past 10 years there have been many changes In technology. We went from burning CDC to downloading songs to an MPH player. We went from a big boxed TV's to Flat screen TV's that you can control with your hand and voice. The memory on these things has Improved as well. With the Cad's only being able to hold around 700MS, while MPH players can hold up to BIBB or more. And hard drives use to only go to 1 TAB, now there are hard drives that can hold up to TPTB or more. My favorite new technology Is the smart phones. Who would have thought back In 2000 that our phones would be miniature computers, and that there would be an App for everything. From banking to real estate, to even ordering your food right from your phones APS. It's amazing What are the different type s of Memory and how much is recommended? There are several kinds of memory such as RAM, SD and USB.With how much memory is commended is up to the user. If you're going to use the computer for just email and homework and normal tasks then you won't need as much memory or RAM as someone who is using his computer to play video games. That's cool that you work for Apple. I have never owned or really used a Mac Computer but that feature that Lion offered called â€Å"Resume†sounds awesome. I can think of thousands of times that would have come in handy. With working on projects for work or even writhing reports for school and then the power goes out and there goes all your hard work erased.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
History: Indentured Servant and New England Colonies
Wessell Webling like many who wanted to leave England in search of the better promised life in the colonies could not afford the oversea voyage. In exchange for the cost of the trip Webling became the indentured servant to Edward Bennett. Webling was to provide 3 years of servitude, and Bennett was to provide him with ample and substantial food and drink, proper shelter and good clothes to wear. During Webling's period of indenture he among many helped in the expanding of the English settlement, clearing new land for landowners. Through this time Webling was taught many valuable skills to prepare him for his life as a landowner after his term was completed. When three years was up, Bennett was to provide Webling with 50 acres of land in the Virginia colonies and all the necessary clothes needed. For this, Webling was to pay Bennett 50 shillings a year thereafter. In the Virginia colonies there was a lot of land to be colonized but not enough people to do so. The plan was to have the wealthier colonists provide the funds for the trip, and in return the person would be indentured for a period of 3 to 7 years. During their serve periods they were taught how to become successful landowners. When their terms were complete they were given all the tools and thing they needed to provide for themselves and their families and to do the same for the next person. Landowners gave their indentured servants such generous rewards because they knew that population growth was essential and migration was the best way to accomplish this goal. The author used this source to explain the differences between the Chesapeake region and the New England colonies. He showed that when people migrated to the New World in family units mostly settled in the New England colonies and the Chesapeake colonies were young indenture servants who had to work to pay back to cost of the passage. He also used the source to illustrate the reason the population growth was declining in the Chesapeake colonies, people were too old after their terms of indenture to start families. The Author is correct in how he uses the source as a personal first hand account of the type contracts that were used to ensure that the people who migrated fulfilled their full terms of indenture and after they did so they would receive the tools the needed to become successful farmers. It was a good example of how the two colonies were vastly different because of the lack of a family structure in the Chesapeake colonies. Wessell Webling: His Indenture (1622) Alycia M. Haynes History 231-08 Professor Tate 19 February 2009
Friday, September 13, 2019
Sexual Orientation and Inequality Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Sexual Orientation and Inequality - Term Paper Example This paper examines historical discourse on sexuality and gender identity how this history informs perceptions of sexual orientation and gender inequality. This paper traces the history and development of the conceptualization of gender roles and gender identity and how sexual orientation is dictated by those roles and identities. Therefore this paper is divided into two main parts. The first part of this paper examines the history and development of heterosexuality as a social construction of gender roles, gender identity and sexual orientation. The second part of this paper examines the history and development of non-heterosexual identity and how traditional gender roles and identity influence how non-heterosexual identities are treated by the dominant heterosexually constructed society. Sexual Orientation and Inequality Introduction Gender inequality on the basis of sexual orientation is deeply rooted in social constructs that dictate gender identity and gender roles (Tomsen & Mas on, 2001). Historically, sexuality was informed by a perception that heterosexuality is the norm and sexuality is understood by reference to heterosexual norms and standards (Kitzinger, 2006). In this regard, heterosexual norms typically link heterosexuality to nature and thus being heterosexual means being normal or being normal (Sullivan, 2003). Therefore homosexuality, lesbianism, and bisexuality are judged by reference to the dominant heterosexual norm. This paper examines the definitions and historical developments informing sexual orientation and gender identity and identifies why sexual orientation forms the basis for gender inequality. It is argued that although, non-heterosexuals have made significant gains in terms of political, legal and social acceptance, preconceived notions of non-heterosexuality continues to be a basis of social marginalization. It would therefore appear, that marginalization on the grounds of sexual orientation may never be fully eliminated. It would appear that as long as cultural institutions formally alienate non-heterosexuals, it can be expected that social alienation of non-heterosexuals will be perpetuated. This research paper is divided into two main parts. The first part of this paper examines the history and development of heterosexuality and what this means for conceptualizing non-heterosexual identities. The second part of this paper examines the history and development of the conceptualization non-heterosexuals and how this conceptualization has changed over time. Heterosexuality Up to the 1980s, heterosexuality was defined in dictionaries as natural sexual relations. It was only during the 1980s that dictionaries defined heterosexuality as sexual relations between persons of the â€Å"opposite sex†(Sullivan, 2003, p. 119). It therefore follows that historically heterosexuality was defined in a way that distinguishes non-heterosexuality as abnormal and thus formed the basis of discrimination on the grounds o f sexual orientation. Despite a revised dictionary definition of heterosexuality, attitudes toward heterosexuality as natural sexual relations remained unchanged for the most part. As Caplan (1987) observed, any indication that individuals did not conform to heterosexual norms was perceived as a threat to normative perceptions of sexuality and what should be normal. Although prejudice against non-heterosexuality has declined persistently since the 1990s, prejudice continues to remain prevalent throughout the US (Herek, 2000). In the US heterosexism and religious fundamentalismâ€
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Case 12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Case 12 - Essay Example She believes getting rid of gasoline is a potential solution towards fighting pollution. She believes gasoline is a contributor to pollution. That means she uses deductive reasoning. Laura seems so concern about how others view her and this is a normal behavior at her age. Because she is in the identity vs. role confusion development stage that searching for her identity and the physical appearance is one of the identity aspects. Feeling confident about your physical appearance helps develop high self-esteem in an individual. When Laura gets confidence that she is attractive and others see her as attractive and beautiful she will develop a higher self-esteem. On the other hand, I like when s. Watkins asked her†o you like people looking at you, Laura?†because her answer shows that she knows what she wants. Also, the way that she responded and explained to her about getting attention; and how she guided her to improve and learn thinking and social skills by connecting her to Mr.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Patterns of Italian immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Patterns of Italian immigration - Essay Example In contrary, to the modern Italy primarily united states, immigration has characterized the whole development. Italian immigration the United States has been on the way out and the consistency of these new arrivals has significantly changed in the recent years. For the stabilization of Italy population, there was a continuous immigration from North Africa and Eastern Europe. The present Italian immigrants in America have a good education, driven by the career, and their primary focus is the preserving of their language and culture (Barkan 42). The difference that can be seen in the present and the early immigrants are that those who migrated in the last centuries were poor, no education and they lacked skills. Ignorance of the government to people’s interests and needs is the primary cause that led to the massive immigration of Italians to the United States having in mind that they will be served accordingly. Looking for an advanced better life within a free society that is pr otected by the constitution. The making of the individual rights to be a priority; was also another factor that let the Italians make a move to the new world. The immigration, on the other hand, was driven by the uniqueness of the American civilization features which distinguishes it from other European countries. Influence of the American natural environment and the American culture. The culture was attributed to two fundamental factor; the impulse and the inspirations, this compelled men and women to leave not only in European countries, but also across the Atlantic.
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