Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Social Determinants Of Childhood Obesity Health Essay
The Social Determinants Of Childhood Obesity Health Essay Childhood obesity is an international problem in the 21st century. In Hong Kong, it is easy for us to find the increasing trend of child obesity rate from the media. Why does the problem happen in Hong Kong? Are there any solutions to reduce the childhood obesity? In this paper, I will firstly to talk about the seriousness of childhood obesity in Hong Kong. Then, I will explore the childhood obesity from the social determinants. Then, I will talk about the solutions of this health problem by using health promotion strategies. The current situation of childhood obesity in Hong Kong Childhood obesity as an international health problem Childhood obesity is now becoming a worldwide problem nowadays. Obesity means a people who accumulates too much body fat and he or she will face on health problems in the future (Haslam James, 2005). According to World Health Organization (2012a), obesity is one of the serious health problems in the 21st century and now there are 170 million overweight children who are under 18 years old. Also, more than 40 million children in the world under the age of five were overweight in 2010 (World Health Organization, 2012b).In every year, there are at least 2.6 million people die because of overweight or obese (World health organization, 2012c). The negative effects from childhood obesity Childhood obesity causes different problems in childrens development and health. LeBow (1986) had come out three potential dangers of not treating the fat child, including persistent obesity, barriers in the life and potential health threats. He thinks that obese children are stigmatized from peers, parents and society in the childrens development. This will leads them to enter into vicious circle that they have low self-esteem and become fatter and fatter. Many obese children think that they will still obese and it continues after they grow (Peckham et al., 1985; Stunkard Burt, 1967). Yung (2009) has illustrated what diseases may lead by childhood obesity (See Figure 1). He also mentioned that if government fails to curb childhood obesity, there will be a lot of youngsters suffering from the diseases in the future. Figure 1: Classification of medical and psychosocial consequences of childhood obesity (Yung, 2009). The numbers and phenomenon of childhood obesity in Hong Kong In Hong Kong, there is an increasing trend on the overall childhood obesity rate. Appendix 1 shows the latest data on childhood obesity in Hong Kong. According to the [emailprotected] Campaign (2012a), the overall obesity rate increases from 16.4% to 20.9% in the past 15 years. The numbers also show out that boys are easily to become obese than girls with around 5-10% of disparity on the obesity in different gender. Besides the data from the government, more information reflects that the potential crisis on suffering from other diseases related to childhood obesity. A cross-sectional study from CUHK shows out that about 13% of boys and 11% of girls were obese in examining around 2 600 children aged 6-13 (Sung, 2007). It also mentioned that about 10% and 3% of the children were detected on having three or more and four or more of the six cardiovascular risk factors respectively, including high systolic blood pressure or diastolic blood pressure, high blood triglyceride, low blood high-density lipoprotein, high blood low-density lipoprotein, high blood glucose and high blood insulin (Sung, 2007). Also, patients are getting younger and younger to suffer from diabetes or cardiovascular diseases because of childhood obesity (Wan jiu xue tong, 2007). Therefore, childhood obesity has become a major health care issue in Hong Kong from the facts in both statistics and news reports. In the next part, I will talk about the social determinants of childhood obesity. The social determinants of the childhood obesity The framework of social determinants in analyzing the childhood obesity According to World Health Organization (2012d), social determinants of health include life, development and health system afforded by the distribution of power and resource. It also shows out the phenomenon as health inequity which affects peoples health status. World Health Organization Western Pacific South-East Asia (2008) had set up some index to evaluate the public health in Asia Pacific. In this time, I will borrow the framework to analysis childhood obesity in Hong Kong with adjusting the index and adding related factors (See Figure 2). The reason of adopting this framework is to show out how our social settings make childhood obesity instead of attributing to self-responsibility from individual. I also add the item main stakeholders because they are the main media to lead the things happening in society. Factors Main stakeholders Original meanings Adjusted meanings Income and poverty Family Overall economic situation Overall economic situation Economic status of the grassroots Lifestyle Family Eating habits Physical activities Eating habits Physical activities Personal growth Education School Literacy rate School setting Culture and knowledge Society Not including Traditions, views and knowledge of food Figure 2: The framework to analysis the childhood obesity in Hong Kong Family Family is one important sector in enforcing the childhood obesity because they have the most responsibility to take care their children. From our born to independence, it is not only fulfill childrens basic life but also learning the foundation of knowledge and skills. Therefore, they have an important responsibility in forming the childhood obesity. Income and poverty Economic status affects peoples health in their life. World Health Organization Western Pacific South-East Asia (2008) mentioned that poor people are hard to maintain their health because they lack of resource to access health service and take actions to prevent diseases. It also mentioned that Hong Kong is regarded as a high-income country from the World Bank in 2008. It also has a better medical system comparing to other developed countries. At the same time, there is a big disparity between the rich and the poor with high gini index around 53.3% (Central Intelligence Agency, 2007). So, the overall economic situation and economic status of the grassroots should be attended on analyzing the health problem in different class. Meals with more meat and less vegetables are common after the improvement of economy. Every Hong Kong people consume 150KG meats in 2011 which is more than the US (Gang ren shi rou, 2012). Many parents regard children should eat more meat in their meals because of their physical development. Some parents even do not limit the amount of meat to their children because they think they should provide the best to their children if they can. In hence, children may bring up an unbalance diet. Parents will become more difficult to improve children into correct diet. When the children eat too much meat unconsciously, it will cause child obesity if the children lacks of enough exercise at the same time. To the grassroots, fast-food is easily to lead childhood obesity. It is because poor children in Hong Kong usually follow their mothers, who are usually the new immigrants, to the fast food shops. According to Chan, Deave and Greenhalgh (2010), fast-food shops are good places for them to meet other parents and friends. They also think it is a more safety places than playgrounds. Additionally, Hong Kong style fast food is unhealthy. For example, 2 pieces of Western Toast (à ¨Ã‚ ¥Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¤Ã… ¡Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ £Ã‚ «) have 356 kcal, 19g fat, 116mg cholesterol, 513mg sodium and 8g saturated fat (Xiao xue sheng san, 2004). It is easy for children to overtake nutrition and harmful substances as Trans fats. Except the grassroots, having too much fast food is also common for normal families. According to Chan, Deave and Greenhalgh (2010), long-hours culture is always happened on adults. To save time, some parents may buy fast-food or pre-prepared food as dinner to their children. Some children may provide holding meal in the evening and it always leads them not to eat dinner very late at night. Children eat too much fast food chronically and it will easily to become child obesity. Lifestyle Lifestyle is the way a person lives. From the World Health Organization Western Pacific South-East Asia (2008), diet and physical activity are the ways to promote and maintain good health in a country. Obesity means the unbalance state in high diet and low physical activities. Family should make sure their children to have enough nutrition but not overdose. Unhealthy meals are one of the main factors to cause childhood obesity. Except having fast food or meals with more meat and less vegetables, another source of unhealthy meal is from bad cooking habits both from Chinese and Western. One of the examples is that Chinese prefer to use more oil and animal fat to cook the meal so the children have higher Cholesterol levels than foreign children (Fu mu tai qian, 1999). Another example is that Western meals may have high calories but low fiber as Baked Pork Chop with Rice containing over 1,200 calories (Yuan li zhu pai fan, 2003). If parents do not count nutrition intake, children will eat too much and it will become obese very easily. Another factor for childhood obesity is lacking exercise. Doing exercise is a way to consume extra nutrition and maintain personal health. According to the Community Sports Committee of the Sports Commission (2012), about 80% tested children thinks that they have enough exercise but only 9% fulfill the US standard of physical fitness. Lacking exercise of Hong Kong children has lasted over 10 years. There are few reasons to explain the phenomenon. The first reason is the school setting and I will explain later. The two one is the sense from parents. If parents are active in doing exercise, their children will also have more sense to do the exercise. Unfortunately, there are around 35% of parents with no participation in sports and more than 60% of families cannot arrange family sports time during each weekend (Community Sports Committee of the Sports Commission, 2012). The third one is the children spend too much time on different electronic screen. According to the Community Sports Committee of the Sports Commission (2012), about 40% of Hong Kong children aged 7-12 spend more than 5 hours on sedentary activities like studying and recreation. If children spend more time on the screen, they will have less time to do the exercise. School Schools are another important stakeholder in solving the childhood obesity. It is because children spend 1/3 of the whole day in schools for learning. If a school can convey enough health information through lessons and activities to the students, they can sustain their health on their lifetime and produce less health problems when they grow up. Education Public concerns on education are largely on formal education issues in a school setting. World Health Organization Western Pacific South-East Asia. (2008) evaluates the public health in different countries by assessing the literacy rate and enrollment rate. In Hong Kong, compulsory education is provided to the children for leading high literacy rate and enrollment rate, which are 94% and 74% respectively (World Health Organization Western Pacific South-East Asia, 2008). So, it seems the childhood obesity may not relate to insufficient knowledge. According to the Community Sports Committee of the Sports Commission (2012), the tested children reflect that too much school work is the barriers for doing exercise. Therefore, school setting may be a good way to observe childhood obesity. Unhealthy food provided by the tuck shops and lunch supplies lead childhood obesity. Although Education Bureau and Department of Health create different guidelines to encourage schools for providing healthy food, there are still a lot of schools providing unhealthy food through tuck shops and meals. According to Chen (2008), 90% of primary schools still sell unhealthy snacks in their tuck shops. Maintaining revenue and student tastes are the reasons for the tuck shops continuing to provide unhealthy food. Also, guidelines cannot limit the schools to provide unhealthy food. Over 40% of primary schools still provide unqualified meals without enough vegetables and fruits (Si cheng xiao xue, 2009). 80% of kindergartens provide unqualified meals with over intake of fat, salt and health food products (Du Cai, 2011). If children eat too much unhealthy food without enough exercise, it is not difficult for them to become obese. Indifference on Physical Education and play areas is another reason to lead childhood obesity. Normally, students in primary schools have 2-3 Physical Education lessons with 35 minutes per lesson in each week. Only 22 minutes are doing exercise and even 4 minutes for moderate to vigorous exercise can be done in each Physical Education lesson (Chen, 2006). For kindergarten students, there are only 20 minutes for physical activities (Chan, Deave and Greenhalgh, 2010). Many schools also do not allow students to run during the recess because of not enough space and safety to everyone. It is a backward concept criticized by Dr. Patrick Lau who is a professor of the Department of Physical Education at Hong Kong Baptist University (Jia Xiao jin pao, 2005). Students can only conduct static activities which leads them have no chances to do the exercises. This will let students cannot release the extra nutrition which will cause obesity. Over-emphasizing on academic subjects is also the problem for childhood obesity. Starting from Primary 4, students are forced to put more efforts on academic subjects because of a good path for a better secondary school and university. Sometimes, Physical Education lessons are sacrificed for academic subject lessons or classroom guidance. Also, tutorial classes after school is very common in Hong Kong.. Whether primary school or secondary school students, they will always spend some time after school to attend those lessons. This will reduce the students chance to do enough exercise to prevent child obesity in their leisure time. Society Society is the third stakeholder in solving the childhood obesity. It is because society has a force to integrate and coordinate different people and organizations for solving the problem. Also, it has the most influence on promoting healthy lifestyle. Culture and knowledge Culture is the values, beliefs, behavior and material objects that together form a peoples way of life (Macionis, 2006). Knowledge is someone who familiarizes somebody or something on facts, information, descriptions, or skills from experience or education. Culture and knowledge are directly affecting peoples mind and behavior. Some Chinese tradition proverbs do not encourage children to do the exercise in their daily life. One is called Fat equals to blessing (à ¨Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¥Ãƒ ¦Ã‹Å" ¯Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ à ¦Ã‚ °Ã‚ £). It means if a person is fatter, it also equals to a stable life. This is more popular to old generation because they have lower education level comparing to the young couples. Another one is called diligent makes contribution and games are no use (à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã‚ ¤Ãƒ ¦Ã…“†°Ãƒ ¥Ã… Ã… ¸Ã‚ ¼Ã…’à ¦Ã‹â€  ²Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¡Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ… ). These concepts are widely in our society so that exercise is not preferred. For example, some grandparents may think that English is important than games because of low walkability and limited opportunities (Chan, Deave and Greenhalgh, 2010). Fast food culture is also common in Hong Kong. It is not difficult for us to find a fast food shop in urban areas. They always promote their food or promotion on different media as TV or websites. The culture is very fit in Hong Kong because fast food strengths on efficiency which matches long working hours. On the other side, children loves to eat fast food too because it fits their taste. The information of nutrition is not very clear to Hong Kong people. Although Hong Kong has nutrition labels since 2010, there are still around 40% people not or seldom attending the labels (Janice, Mingo Sharon, 2011). Public are always late to know some of the products which is not as health as they imagine. According to Huang and Xin (2006), the content of sugar, salt and fat are over the normal standard in many corn chips. Because of the social determinants in childhood obesity, the obesity rate for overall primary school students raises from around 16 % to around 21% in the past 10 decade. In the next part, I will introduce the health promotion strategies to reduce the problems of child obesity. The health promotion strategies to tackle the childhood obesity Health promotion means a process to lead people for improving their health with increasing the sense and applying the behavior. The responsibility of health promotion is not only at the health sector, but also to reach healthy lifestyles (World Health Organization, 1986). To solve the childhood obesity, I regard five approaches to health promotion by Naidoo and Wills (2000) and social marketing should be used to solve childhood obesity in Hong Kong. It is because it can easily to assess what strategies Hong Kong has done and anything should be improved during the promotion. In the next part, I will talk about what stakeholders would be needed to conduct the health promotion. Then I will focus on the five approaches with related measures to solve the problem, introducing current measures and new measures. Stakeholders for health promotion In the social promotion, there will be two stakeholders to conduct the health promotion. One is the government and another one is the Non-Government Organizations. Government Government is very important in the health promotion. It will have different cooperation between hospitals, clinics, District Council, sport facilities, schools and families. Non-Government Organizations. Non-Government Organizations are always the forerunner to sense the problems in society. They are also strength on the flexibility when they promote in small organizations. It is because there are so many plans conducting to reduce childhood obesity, I can only use some famous examples to talk about how the strategies apply in our daily life. First, figure 3 shows the effects of the six approaches to health promotion in child obese. The medical approach Prevention and treatment Behavior change Encouraging somebody to adopt health behaviors The educational approach Providing knowledge and skills for personal choice in applying health behavior Empowerment Powering up somebody to concern and help in the issue Social change Creating choices with suitable cost, availability or accessibility Social marketing and media Increasing public awareness on particular concepts or behavior and stimulate publics mind for the response Figure 3: The effects of the six approaches to health promotion in child obese Source: Naidoo and Wills (2000) Promotions from government Medical system in stopping childhood obesity This system will focus on the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity in the media way. This is using the medical approach because of prevention and treatment in childhood obesity. Nowadays, Hong Kong had created the family health service and student health service for the children to check their health status from their born to 18 years old. It also connects with Specialist for the referral to treat the obese children. Maternal and Child Health Centres and Student Health Service Centre are distributed in different areas for children to do body check. Different Student Health Service Centre has the connection with hospitals in the same network. For example, the centre in South Kwai Chung can refer the children to Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at Princess Margaret Hospital. The government can use the centres for scanning out the obese children from the checking on BMI, blood pressure and urine. Overweight or obese children will refer to assessment centres or Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in hospitals. They will do more body checking as exsanguinate to confirm their body status and give suitable treatment to them as Nutritionist for health meal suggestions. This approach is to find out the obese children and reduce the deterioration of them. Social marketing Social marketing and media is common used by local government. The promotion is using a simple and clear way to focus on single concept or behavior, The usage is to raise public awareness on particular concepts or behavior and stimulate publics mind for the response. For example, the government had promoted the concept of Two Plus three Every Day through the TV advertisements. The aim of this advertisement is to explain the importance of enough amounts of vegetables and fruits in daily life. It also presents the examples on how do we count on eating enough vegetables and fruits. Campaign cooperating with schools [emailprotected] is one of the campaigns to promote healthy lifestyle in eating. It uses educational approaches to do the promotion because the plan provides teaching materials for school to spread the knowledge to parents and students for choosing health meals in daily life. Except teaching, the scheme wants schools to provide more healthy food to the students by giving them some guidelines. For example, there are over 20 documents to help schools for choosing suitable food supplies for tuck shop and lunch ([emailprotected] Campaign, 2012b). Through this approach, government prefers schools and students can choose the more healthy meals by themselves. Promotions from Non-government Organizations Smart Kids Fitness project This project was created by Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. There is cooperation between the professionals, schools and parents. This plan includes teacher training and support, needs assessment and progress monitoring, parent training and supports, tailor-made weight-management plan for individual students, 12-week weight management intervention programme and school-based health promotion programme (Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, 2008). Figure 4 shows the concepts of the project. Figure 4: A Health Promoting Schools Approach in Addressing the Problem of Childhood Obesity (Source: Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, 2008) It contains different approaches for its promotion. Firstly, Education approach is used to teachers, parents and students with related knowledge. The project strengths at using behavioral approach and empowerment approach. Through the tailor-made weight-management plan and 12-week weight management intervention programme, students had created the sense to supervise their own health and try to improve their health with changing their habits with their parents. This can also power up their confidence to manage their health. Last but not least, the organization thinks that it is success because they can create sustainability on the participators (Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, 2008). Recommendations for reducing childhood obesity To me, different strategies applied by the government and non-government organizations are needed in reducing childhood obesity. From my observation, I regard many strategies focus on creating health lifestyle but little on food choices and easy exercise which can do it everything. So I will suggest two directions for increasing the approach of behavior change and social change. Firstly, the government can cooperate to Green Monday, which is a non-government organization for promoting vegetarian food on each Monday for health and environment. For example, Cafe De Coral is one of the restaurants to join Green Monday. It will provide 2 dishes of vegetarian food on the Green Monday. The government can encourage food suppliers to join by adding the conditions in the tenders of tuck shop and lunch suppliers. Specific details need to be discussed but I may suggest some conditions to explain the idea. For example, tuck shops and lunch suppliers need to provide at least 50% of healthy food and drinks on Green Monday. If the bidders can meet the conditions, he or she will have the advantages in bidding the contracts or having subsides in operating the business. The reasons of promoting the day are to respond some of the tuck shops or lunch suppliers still providing too much unhealthy food to the students for many years and create a sense to students that they can cho ose for eating healthier meals. Secondly, the government can promote easy exercises for urban people. One of the social determinants is parents and children have no sense to do the exercise. Climbing stairs activities and fitness walking are two examples for the promotion. Both exercise are easy to learn and do it in the surrounding areas as park or blocks. They are also suitable to whole family members. These exercises may increase the incentives to people for doing exercise. Conclusion To conclude, Hong Kong is an international city who also has childhood obesity as other countries in the 21st century. Everyone knows that obesity is harmful to adults and child but it is different to change personal lifestyle because society contains different elements which are not benefit to our health. Although our government and non-government organizations try their best to change the situation, there are still a lot of children who are living in unhealthy life. But I think we should have confidence to face on the childhood obesity because social atmosphere of healthy lifestyle will be informed gradually if we insist for healthy lifestyle.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Computers in Elementary Education :: School Technology Papers
Computers in Elementary Education When trying to describe the meaning of education, one might think of the relationship between a teacher and a student. The essence of this relationship is stregthned by the teachers' ability to adapt to the students needs. With many advancements of society and technology, today's teachers are better equipped with tools so powerful that the standards of yesterday are being challenged more frequently. Among these great tools exists the computer and the Internet. Unfortunately, history reveals that great tools often have their consequences. For example, how great must it have been to be among the first few to use a knife thousands of years ago. We all know, just as those first few might have found out, that with all the positive and useful ways we can use knives, there are just as many evil ways we can use them. With the help of the media as well as first hand use, millions of people already know of the risks having to deal with computers and the Internet. Another issue that plays a factor is the tradition as a whole. It might be possible that a few of the teachers around the world fear being replaced by a machine. Can the computer really substitute the help and guidance of a teacher? This idea itself raises another issue. Deciding how many computers per school, how many computers per class, how many lessons involving computers, whether Internet access should be granted, and planning security issues with expensive equipment is not going to be an easy task. I believe everyone is very excited right now about having computers in their classrooms. It's also happening at the elementary school where I am currently working as a T.A. There will be at least one computer in each classroom. The fourth and fifth grade classes have more than one because they have projects that they can type during class or they have any other activity that will enhance their computer abilities. I work in a kindergarten class and when the children were told they wer e going to have a computer in their room they all said, "yeeaaahhh." I would be excited too because they're only thinking about the computer games that are going to be available for them. They're not thinking that their whole instruction is going to be in front of the computer. The decision making responsibilities are probably going to be left to the government.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Labour Economics
Because the coefficient is less than 1, the price elasticity is said to be inelastic. 3. We know that if the price of a product changes, we will see movement along the emend curve. Name and explain, using an example, three factors that can cause the demand curve for labor to shift. (3 marks) Factors that cause the demand curve for labor to shift can be the income levels of consumers. When there is an increase in one's pay their confidence will rise which will allow them to want to spend more money.The demand of goods and services increase because there is also an increase in their disposable income. Also when there is an increase income some consumers taste and preferences may change Just like if there was huge decline in the income (they would prefer to shop on the sale jack). If they do not make as much money as before the demand for that goods or service will decrease (shift to the left) while they look for substitutes (goods or services for a cheaper price).For example, if Kather ine gets laid off from work, instead of buying cleaning agents for their washroom at Shoppers Drug Mart where she normally shops, she would probably rather pick up two bottles of Pine sol for a dollar each at Dollar. Also firms may decrease the hours for their employees or even lay employees off when there is a decline in demand for their goods or services. They would not hire additional workers because their revenue may not cover their additional cost. 4.Briefly explain the difference between pay equity and employment equity. (2 marks) Pay Equity focuses on paying an employee for the value of their work without discriminating against the employees' sexual orientation. Whereas employment equity lies under the Human Rights legislation, where one should not be discriminated by their sexual orientation, religion, age, race, and disability. This allows a firm's workplace environment to be more diverse and allowing everyone an equal opportunity when applying to work for one's company. Labour economics Trade unions are also known as Labour unions. It is the association of labourers in a particular trade, industry, or company, created for the purpose ot securing Improvements In pay, benefits, working conditions, or social and political status through collective bargaining. It's an organization whose membership consists of workers and union leaders who are united to protect and promote their common interests. What do you mean by Collective Bargaining?It is a formalized process by which employers and independent trade unions egotiate terms and conditions of employment and the ways in which certain employment †related Issues are to be regulated at national, organizational and workplace levels. It is a collective and a continuous process. The principle of ‘give and take' has been infused in the principle of Collective Bargaining. It is a technique that has been adopted by the unions and the managements to reconcile their conflicting Interests.It is called ‘collective' because the employees as a group select representatives to meet and discuss differenced with the employer. It is known as argaining' because the method of reaching an agreement involves proposals and counter proposals, offers and counter offers and other negotiations. Definition of collective Bargaining by Byar & Rue (1991 It Is a process that Involves the negotiation, drafting, administrative and interpretation of a written agreement between an employer and a union for a specific period of time.Collective Bargaining:- To Employees:- Importance of 1 . CB helps to develop a sense of responsibility and accountability among the employees. 2. CB increases the morale and productivity of employees. 3. It helps In securing a prompt and fair settlement of grievances. 4. Effective collective Bargaining machinery strengthens and gives value to the trade union movement. 5. The discrimination and exploitation of workers, If any, Is constantly monitored and addressed. To Management:- 1 .It help s in reducing labour problems to the minimum and in maintaining cordial relations labour and management 2. It opens up the channel of communication between the workers and management thus increasing worker participation In decision making. 3. CB helps to create a sense of Job security among employees. . It makes simpler for the management to resolve issues at the bargaining level rather than taking up complaints of individual workers. MINIMUM WAGES AND FAIR WAGES It Is the lowest wage permitted by the law or by a special government.The minimum wage attempts to protect employees from the exploitation, allowing them to afford the basic necessities of life such as clothing, water, food and shelter. The minimum wage rate fluctuates between countries, and sometimes between states or provinces. tOf3 It must prov10e not only Tor tne Dare suoslstence 0T IITe out Tor tne preservatlon 0T he efficiency of the workers by providing some measures of education, medical care, etc Criteria: It must be calculated for a family of 4 units.It must be able to provide 2700 calories per adult per day. It should be sufficient for 18 yards of cloth per unit per annum. There should be a provision for reasonable house rent, light, fuel and miscellaneous items. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 is an Indian legislation enacted by the Parliament of India for statutory fixing of minimum wages paid to skilled unskilled labourers. Under the act, a tripartite committee â€Å"the Tripartite Committee of Fair Wage†was appointed that et definitions and guidelines for formulating a wage structure in India.The objectives of this act were :- To provide minimum wages to the workers working in the organized sector. To stop exploitation of the workers by paying them lower wages and making them work for longer hours. To empower the government to take steps for fixing the minimum wages and to revise it in a timely manner. A Living wage is a wage that is high enough to maintain a normal standard of livi ng. It is not only for the bare essentials for the worker and his family, but also for comfort, protection against ll-health, social needs, etc.Fair Wages refers to wage levels or company practices regarding wages that provide a living wage for workers while still complying with all national regulations (such as minimum wage, overtime payments, provision of paid holidays, etc. ) It is in between minimum wages and living wages, but below the living wage. With a fair wage, employees should be able to maintain a decent standard of living for themselves and their families. CHARACTERISTICS OF INDIAN LABOUR MARKET The Indian labour market can be categorized into three sectors: Rural workersOrganized of the formal sector Urban unorganized or informal structure Two-third of India's workforce is employed in agriculture and rural industries. One- third of the rural households are agricultural labour households, subsisting on wage employment. The unorganized sector has low productivity and off ers lower wages even though 94% of India's working population is engaged in this sector. Wage determination for organized sector:- The ‘day, Week' and ‘month' are the basic units for wage calculation. Normal working week is 5 days (for government) or five half days/ six days.Hour' is generally not a unit for wage calculation in the organized secotr. Wage determination for unorganized sector:- ‘Day is the common unit of calculation for unorganized sector. In certain cases, piece rate wages (it is the pay for each item produced) is in vogue, as well as hourly wages. MODERN THEORY OF WAGES The modern economists are of the view that Just as the price of a commodity is determined by the interaction of forces of demand and supply, the wage rate of specific types of workers can also be determined in the same way with the help of sual demand and supply analysis.This is why modern theory is also known as demand and supply theory of Wages. Now the demand for labour is a deri ved aemana. t I Is aerlvea Trom tne aemana 0T goods wnlcn It produces, along wltn otner factors of production. The marginal revenue product of labour (MRP) means the addition to the firm's revenue which it obtains by hiring one additional worker. The entrepreneur will continue hiring workers up to the point at which the cost of employing a worker is Just equal to the marginal revenue product of the labour.Now ue to the law of diminishing returns, the marginal revenue productivity of labour decreases as more and more workers are employed and hence the demand cure for labour is downward sloping. If we add up the demand curves for the labour of all the individual firms, we get the demand curve of the industry which determines the wage rate for labour. Now the supply of labour means the number of workers ready to work at the existing wage rate. Unlike the supply of other goods, the supply of labour cannot be increased with the increase in demand.Under perfect competition, the upply curv e of a firm is perfectly elastic and the firm cannot influence the price/ wage. The supply curve of an industry is upward rising from left to right, this means that an industry can get more labourers at higher wages. Determination of the equilibrium wage level: Wage rate is determined by the supply of and demand for labour. Equilibrium wage state is said to be determined at the point where supply and demand are equal. In the fgure below, at point N, the supply curve and demand curve cut eachother. WN is the equilibrium wage rate.
Friday, January 3, 2020
A Healthy Diet For Myself - 1157 Words
Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life (Henner 1). For this project, I wanted to focus on incorporating a healthy diet for myself. The overall problem for this behavior was finding time to eat. I work two jobs and take classes. I typically go about my days not eating nutritional meals and snacking throughout the day. My issue is also, that I don’t buy healthy food and when I work my second job at Wendy’s, I would always eat the food at my work place. Throughout this experience, my short term goal was to try to have at least one serving of fruit a day. I plan to eat, shop, and pack healthier food items. My long term goals was to eventually make the things I was doing to reach my short term goal, a lifestyle change and continue my behavior without no second thoughts. Considering the person for this project, which is myself, I am a 19 year old female. I am African American, and a 171 pound female. I am junior in college and I’m employed at Wendy’s and Western Illinois University. For my experiment, I use an ABC chart and stickers as tokens. I recorded two weeks of my behavior on the charts. I used stickers on my ABC chart represented every time I ate one serving of fruit that day. I set up a reward system, where I rewarded myself meals, snacks, and leisure activities anytime I reached my goalShow MoreRelatedThe Gluten Free Diet Essay883 Words  | 4 Pageslife style out of convenience for my mother. I would even find myself going to restaurants asking for the gluten free menu and strictly sticking to the diet in and out of my household. I was aware that I was lacking some nutrients by not eating gluten but to make up for it I took vitamin D pills and everyday women health vitamins but little did I know that was not enough to keep me healthy. 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I myself am on a diet that I turned into a lifestyle for me, becauseRead MoreThe Health Behavior Change That I Will Focus On The Consumption Of Unhealthy Foods913 Words  | 4 PagesBENEFITS/ POSITIVE †¢ Energy – a healthier diet provides me with more energy when working, at university and playing sport. †¢ Healthy weight – a healthier diet will assist in maintaining a healthy body weight and therefore increase my self-esteem. †¢ Happy – I find that when I just eat healthier foods I am generally in a happier mood. †¢ Support locals – I would be supporting local vegetable/fruit growers more, which would make me feel good about myself. †¢ Exercise – when I eat healthier I alsoRead MoreTaking Care Of Your Body1168 Words  | 5 Pagesbody to maintain healthy mentally/emotionally. You can keep up with your mental/emotional health by learning to express your feelings in appropriate ways, thinking before you act, and by striving for balance in your life. Follow these three easy steps and you’ll be on your way in no time. If you lack these skills you could find yourself needing therapy and other types of medication. Finally the importance of taking care of your social health. You keep your social health, healthy, by staying positiveRead MoreIs It More Valuable Than Good Health?1316 Words  | 6 Pagesis. My ideal definition of health consists of feeling good about yourself, and being happy emotionally and physically. The way I practice a healthy lifestyle is by applying a strong mental mindset, trying to be a positive member in society, taking part in various physical activities and a healthy di et. Being physically active and having a healthy diet to me is not about possessing the energy to perform daily responsibilities, but rather to excel in them. When I am at my highest level of physicalRead MoreA Short Note On Diabetes And Its Effects On The Body Essay1662 Words  | 7 Pagesthis can damage cells in your pancreas and eventually your pancreas may not be able to produce any insulin whatsoever. Some health claims of this diet is that you should include foods rich in fiber and healthy carbohydrates in your diet. Also eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help keep your blood glucose levels steady. For the healthiest diet you should eat within regular intervals and only eat until you are full. Gluttony is not advised when trying to stick to these health claims. ItRead MoreEvaluation Of The Food Tracker Program Essay949 Words  | 4 Pagesprovided by the Food Tracker program in relation to my 24 hour diet recall. For my 24-hour diet recall, I did not keep a wri tten record of what I ate through the day, so that could not have factored into or altered how I ate. I chose instead to remember back to what I had eaten, remembering meal by meal. However I did choose a day where we were traveling so I ate â€Å"out†with someone else preparing every meal. However I felt I ate healthy and even skipped out on a full sized dinner, instead having aRead MoreEating Food And Frozen Dinners969 Words  | 4 Pageslike there are not enough hours within the day to prepare a healthy meal. Perhaps between attending class and working 40 hours a week, you find yourself on the go substituting home cooked meals with foods like pizza or burritos. You maybe drinking less water, and more coffee with sugar to keep your momentum going throughout the day. With regards to you needing rest from school and work, how do you manage to maintain a healthy diet? Finding the solution, lies within finding the time to prepareRead MoreTraditional Diet Vs. The New Diet And Nutrition Program814 Words  | 4 PagesTraditional Diet Vs The New Diet and Nutrition Program By Kat Eden | Submitted On June 20, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Kat Eden I just got off a meeting with a potential clientRead MoreI Am Very Happy At The Nice Town Of Pleasanton1576 Words  | 7 Pagesto play, there are many options for all ages as well as families to get together and engage in physical activity as a community. As far as determining your diet and exercise habits, I think that it is important to know where you stand first health wise. Once you have determined that, you can set some goals for yourself on how to improve your diet and exercise regime and go from there. It is important to find a form of exercising that you enjoy as it will be more unlikely for you to give up or quit
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