Monday, May 25, 2020
My Future Career Project Management - 782 Words
My Future Career in Project Management Project management takes the form of many job positions and roles within a job force. Project management to some, means a person who manages a project. This is a very broad title. Project managers can manage a project that covers a new program release, an implementation of a new method, or the creation of a physical product for a customer. For me, project management is taking a task from start to finish, with the goals of the customer in mind. Three roles that I would be interested in accepting would be a Retail Construction Project manager, Construction Project Manager, or Project Manager for Space planning. The role of a Retail Construction Project Manager is one that is very hectic, in a fast paced environment. The duties include being responsible for supporting a new store from construction through grand opening. This includes delivering the new store on schedule, under budget, all while maintaining the highest level of quality that can be delivered. This field is currently the field I work in at the present time. The experience I hold, as of now, has been learned in the field. This role is in high demand, as the amount of retail chain establishments is increasing rapidly. These locations will need renovations and up keep, so this leaves a high demand for this type of job. This role is found within the retail and construction industries. You can work for either a construction company who specializes in retail establishments or forShow MoreRelatedProject Management : The Accumulated Benefits For My Future Career Essay2011 Words  | 9 Pagesprogram of Mater Science in Project manage ment, the accumulated benefits for my future career, and some valuable advices regarding the personal experience for students who are preparing for enrolling in this program. 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They just bought a $1 Million dollar lighting system and the sensors for the animals were the most important part!†I found myself in a real dilemma. The project had to meet its deadline. Animals had been living in a temporary laboratory and needed to move into their permanent home and the last item on my deliverables was to setup the light sensors in the vivarium. I began gathering data, taking readings, pulling logs, verifying the rest of the sequence. If the day/night cycle
Monday, May 18, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Hispanic Latinos Health Diabetes - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1572 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/05/17 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Diabetes Essay Did you like this example? Hispanics/Latinos Health: Diabetes Type 2 diabetes is a worldwide health issue that many people struggle with and Hispanics/ Latinos is one of the largest groups affected. One study has been conducted on Hispanics/Latinos group in United States and findings focused on three main categories. These categories are following: diabetes self-care behaviors and challenges, challenges with limited resources, and challenge with support mechanisms. Within these categories, there are subcategories that go in detail how Hispanics/Latinos are managing Diabetes Type 2 on daily basis. Based on the results findings, there have been few recommendations for nurses and health care team to consider when delivering care to this specific group. Intro Statistics According to Center of Disease Control, 30.3 million people have diabetes in United States and Type 2 Diabetes accounts for 90% to 95% in adults 45 to 64 of age. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Hispanic Latinos Health Diabetes" essay for you Create order The 23.1 million people are diagnosed and 7.2 million are undiagnosed with diabetes. Among these diabetics, 16% adults are smokes, 90% are overweight and 40% are not physically active. In addition, new cases in Hispanics/Latinos had higher occurrence with Type 2 diabetes. (CDC 2017). The studies have been done to find out the explanations for such high prevalence in Hispanics/Latino group. One of the research studies has been done with qualitative method approach on ten Hispanic adults ages 25 to 80 with Type 2 Diabetes in rural West Texas county in United States. (nursing journal article 1). Data was collected one time via one-hour interview where the participants were asked open-ended questions. To qualify for this study the participants were supposed meet following criterias; time diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, HbA1C level higher than 7, and annual income between 15,000 to 45,000. (nursing journal article 1). The researchers asked questions about participants daily routine, finances, family support, jobs, and social life. Analyzing the data, the researchers used conventional approach to content analysis. Findings This research study observed struggles and challenges of Hispanic/Latino group managing type 2 diabetes . Three following challenges categories were observed during the study; diabetes of self-care behavior, limited resources, and support system. With following categories, the main theme of the study was to understand how the participant of type 2 diabetes make it all work. Category 1 Findings Self-Care Behavior Category one findings subcategorized how participants managed diabetes with monitoring blood glucose, diet, cultural influences, exercise and intake of medication. (articles 1) When participants were asked to about the diet and cultural influences, all participants were aware that they need to alter their diet for diabetes. In fact, participants were accommodated with diet when visiting family and relatives. This finding shows that Hispanic/Latino understand the type 2 diabetes diet alterations that needs to be made on daily basis. On the other hand, taking medication was one of the challenges that participants faced. Most of the participants stated that they knew that medication will help them regulate the insulin level but they encountered a financial challenge to obtain medications. Some participants asked for help and some continued without a medication until they received finances. Another subcategory that was addressed was monitoring blood glucose level. Majority of participants were used to monitoring the levels of glucose on a daily basis and knew what caused the rise of glucose levels. Although participants monitored glucose levels and knew the cause, struggled with money prevented them to purchase glucometer supplies. Lastly, exercising on regular basis was the main challenges for participants. Almost all participants stated that they were too tired to exercise because their daily routine of working, cleaning house and taking care of the family made already tired. Some stated that the illness itself made them feel fatigue. (article1) Category 2 Findings Limited Resources Limited resources are one of the major challenges that participants face every day. In this category the following subcategories are income, employment, finding health care resources and not enough knowledge about management of type 2 diabetes and mechanics of health care services. (article1) Income and money is the main problem that participant encountered when it came to purchasing the medication, healthy food and supplies to manage diabetes. All of the participants complained about the high cost of medication that set a barrier from buying diabetes medication and supplies. Moreover, seventy percent of participants stated that they had to alternate between different types of food because of high prices. For example, instead buying meat they buy beans. Money was always been the greatest issue among these participants and there was constant prioritization between paying for bills, buying medication and food. Similarly, the employment was one of the struggles for participants when it came to finding job, retaining and reporting to work. Some of them quit their jobs because of physical limitations and tried to find new job to fit their needs. Also, one of the puzzling story was when one participant lost his job and benefits do to depression after finding out his diagnosis. Employment issue made it hard to manage home, work and diabetes. Another huge problem that participants came across was finding health care resources when they needed. Many stated that they turned to family, friends and church asking to help find free or low-income services to obtain medication and supplies to meet their basic need. Nobody from participants stated that they turned to primary care services to get help. Lastly knowledge about diabetes self-management and mechanics of healthcare service of category number 2 was a significant issue. Participant understood that they are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and that they needed to alter their eating habits and exercise but they did not have adequate knowledge about self-management. Participants understood the affects of having or not having Medicaid or Medicare but they did not understand the regulation for accessing these resources. Deficiency of understanding the healthcare mechanism and cost involvement some of them postponed getting the medications and supplies. Additionally, the health literacy and not good coordination of health services played a big role in obtaining the right resources. Category 3 Challenge with Support System Three subcategories challenge that participants encountered were family support, spiritual connections and support from faith communities. Seventy percent of participants stated that they did not get financial support from family and that they worked to cover their needs. Some stated that they were not able to even work to support their fa mily because of diabetes. Many asked for family support to help with shopping, cleaning house, and transportation. In addition, family members of participants knew the financial burden having diabetes but did not do much about the use of income. Moreover, it was evident from interviews of some participants that the family had very little accommodations for finances, physical activities. On the other hand, some participants felt the burden if the family members were helping out. The spiritual connections and faith from community had a positive impact on the participants. Some stated that they relied on God and his healing. Others were seeking for support from church members to be comforted, listened, prayed for and emotionally and financially supported. Conclusion Based on the findings, it is evident that self-care behavior, support mechanism and limited resources issues are still present in our society and they need to be addressed in order to decrease type 2 diabetes disease. As healthcare workers we have the opportunity to make the difference in peoples lives. According to the study, there are some recommendations that were made to make these differences. First, nurse need to see situations that needs to be address on self-care behavior. With this being said, there needs to be improvement in understanding of culture to deliver appropriate care and work on programs to reduce disparities in healthcare services. For instance, to address the exercise issues there have been a study made that creating walking communities and providing with pedometer increased the diabetics walking more which improved their health(article 2).With this being said, as nurses we can get out there in community and initiate the exercise programs and can educate what equipment are available from government assistance or even utilizing phone applications. In addition, nurses need to get the deeper understanding of social and psychological factors that impact self-management behavior from different cultural and socioeconomical backgrounds. (article) Moreover, healthcare providers need to look beyond their practices and consider making available healthcare services across communities. Also, there needs to be a consideration into brining medical homes to communities for low income persons with type 2 diabetes to make medications and supplies available with low or no cost to address the issue with limited resources. Having closer access the residents will benefit from having financial constraints and resources. Also, the healthcare providers, nurses and patients need to work together to address the financial circumstances related to health care benefits. (article 1) Perhaps giving an information on what government assistance programs are available who are disabled and low income to prevent having delayed treatments and supplies. Lastly, having the issue with support system makes it little more difficult to address but as nurses we can educate the family members on how this disease impact has on a person and encourage to support their loved ones. Also, nurses can aid in searching for support communities, counseling and educational services that can be within reach of the patient to support in needing moments. To conclude, healthcare workers can decrease the number of type 2 diabetes by coming together as a team and working on developing health programs, educating, utilizing resources, understanding disparities and empowering patients to increase the health wellbeing. CDC Features. (2017, August 08). Retrieved from
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Research Proposal - 5078 Words
MAKERERE UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOOL NAME: GREGORY EYORU REG NO: 10/U/16094/EVE COURSE UNIT: BUSINESS RESEARCH SKILLS COURSE: BBA 2 GROUP C REMUNERATION AND MOTIVATION OF LECTURERS IN MAKERERE UNIVERSITY A PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO MAKERERE UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOOL AS PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MARCH, 2012 DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my family, friends and course mates who have offered me support through different situations in my life. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I thank God for his mercy and graceful blessings he has given me in my course so far and hope for†¦show more content†¦If lecturers are not paid their basic salary and if basic salary is not progressive, received in time, based on position and in line with the market demands then motivation of lecturers and the performance of the university is likely to be low. Salaries have been a contentious issue at Makerere University and the reason behind numerous strikes by lecturers.Lecturers who possess more academic qualifications than most politicians earn peanuts in comparison with the latter. Permanent lecturers earn between sh900, 000 and sh2.2m. Professors earn a gross monthly salary of sh2.2m, associate professors get sh1.8m, senior lecturers sh1.5m, while lecturers receive sh1.3m. The university pays assistant lecturers sh1.1m and sh980, 000 to teaching assistants. To make matters worse, these salaries are often not paid in time and sometimes not paid at all. In some faculties lecturers spend over six months without receiving a penny for their services, a situation that has forced a number of talented citizens to quit in such of better working conditions. Out of frustration, some lecturers have been forced to take extreme measures such as withholding student’s results in an attempt to recover their monies from the university. It usually takes over one year to get one’s name on the payroll. The status of basic salary and its effect on the motivation of lecturers at MakerereShow MoreRelatedResearch Proposal661 Words  | 3 PagesTO: Professor Sara Cutting FROM: Kiersten McCaffrey DATE: February 18, 2014 SUBJECT: Begin Business Plan for Potential Future Investment Background In the beginning of the semester you requested that I research a topic related to a personal decision such as a future goal. I am currently employed at a yoga studio and have a general understanding of the hard work that goes into running a small business. At the same time, I also directly see the benefits of owning a successful business.Read MoreProposal For A Research Proposal814 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is it? A typical research proposal is used by scholars and students who have an interest in your field. This usually happens as part of a grant application, postgraduate application (PhD), or for a final year dissertation. 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What If Abraham Lincoln Hadnt Died Essay - 626 Words
If Lincoln hadn’t died, a question that every student has come across while learning about the civil war, but what if he hadn’t died had reconstruction would had been better? Had former slaves gained better civil rights? Although these questions have no real answers and all we can come with are speculations, in Eric Foner’s essay he seems to address these questions with some acceptable reasons that made me come to the conclusion that if Lincoln hadn’t been assassinated the period of reconstruction would have been better than it was under Johnson. President Andrew Jackson opposed Lincoln’s plan of reconstruction, instead of forgiving the south like Lincoln wanted, Jackson wanted the south to suffer and pay for what it had cause, therefore†¦show more content†¦Andrew Jackson, while radical republicans fought for greater civil rights for the new free African Americans, Pres. Jackson, being stubborn and racist, did all he could to suppress this movement, going as far as appointing new governments in the south that gave the newly free African Americans no voice and almost send them back to the way they were before, but the worst part of this is that Pres. Jackson open the way to extremist groups to form such as the Ku Klux Klan, a terrorist group made up of extremely racist southern white males that were working to reestablish white supremacy. Coming back to our â€Å"if Lincoln was alive supposition†, when Lincoln ran for president he had no side on slavery and during the civil war he was not concerned on human equality but as the war went on Lincoln changed his mind about human equality as he realized that he could use former slaves like soldiers for the union, but after the emancipation proclamation and the new free African Americans started to call for civil rights and as the radical Republicans push the same purpose in congress, I can say that President Lincoln would have used his policy of listening to other people’s opinions in order to please the demands of his people. Also the process for civil rights would have been a lot easier, because Lincoln wasShow MoreRelatedAbraham Lincoln : Is He Really A Good President?1136 Words  | 5 PagesAbraham Lincoln: Is He Really A Good President? By the end of the Civil War, there were more than 620,000 casualties. Many believe this was thanks to Abraham Lincoln. 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Reflective Strategy and Reflective Practice †
Question: Discuss about the Reflective Strategy and Reflective Practice. Answer: Reflection through learning is one of the most important approaches which a student can undertake to develop skills and enhance knowledge in his field of expertise. Reflective practice helps an individual to dissect different his own experiences into a number of aspects and evaluative the positive and negative outcomes associated with it. Gaining knowledge from experiences helps in growth of the individual in the fields of the external abilities as well as the internal traits as a human being (Roseman and vom Brocke 2015). It mainly helps the students to develop a habit of liking linking their knowledge with the experiences and thereby constructing the meaning form their own experiences. In the field of business and commerce, reflective practice has been found to be helpful in providing the brain with an opportunity to take a break amidst the different chaotic situations that occur while maintaining teamwork. It also helps in developing ethical relationship with team members and also with consumers. It also helps to untangle different adverse events and thereby sort through observation and experiences (Jones and Reckers 2014). In the intense competitive world of business, considering the multiple possible interpretations in effective teamwork, creating the correct meaning out of it and applying newly enhanced skill in similar future situations help to get success in work. For effective leadership, this learning from meaning making helps in ongoing growth and development and thereby helps in reaching the peak of success. In this assignment, similar reflective strategy would be used where I would try to link the knowledge gained in my university class lectures to my present experiences in the various teamwork I had been a part of. In this way, I would be able to understand the negative aspects of the experiences I had and would also get scopes to enhance my skills in the future. The reflection would mainly be written in the framework provided by Gibbs. The first step of the reflective cycle is called the description step where the events and experiences are noted down in details. While I was engaged in teamwork, I noticed several flaws in me which was affecting my teamwork and also hampering the outcomes of the team performance. I often had mood swings which affected my teammates as they were unable to communicate with me effectively. On a condition I engaged in an argument with a team member where I shouted on him with high voice. Later I got emotional about the situation and was feeling guilty about it. However, the incident resulted in development of negative feelings in team members which affected relationship building. Besides, I also have inefficient communication skills which included my inpatient listening skills and also my feedback giving and receiving skills. One day, when my team members were describing how things can be modified for better outco mes to me, I cut them down stating that I already knew them. This act of cutting them in between made them feel humiliated which affected their feelings for me. Moreover I am also introvert and do not have proper social skills with empathy, conflict management skill, relationship building and others which resulted in improper work output as a team. I was thinking of my own benefits rather than the teams benefits. The next stage is called the feelings stage. In this stage, an individual needs to open up about the feelings he had when the events took place. After the experiences, I noticed that all my team members were trying to avoid any communication with me. I felt they were being apprehensive about how would I behave as they were not sure about how I would react. Such feelings which they developed about me saddened me as I felt that I was not being able to make them understand my real self. They perceived me to be a bossy and negative, their perception about me affected me and I was gradually losing confidence from work. At a point of time, I was feeling so low that I decided to withdraw myself form the teamwork as I had nothing to look forward to. My self esteem was affected and I could not gather courage to carry forward with these situations. The next stage is called the evaluation stage. For evaluation of my experiences, I tried to go through the work of Zimmerman who had helped students like us by giving an idea about how self learning is extremely useful in academic courses. Without taking extensive help from professors, guides, teachers and others, every individual should try to initiate and direct their own efforts personally for enhancing their skills and knowledge and then utilizing them for re-correcting their attitudes. Zimmerman is of the opinion that a student who undertakes self regulated learning is more successful than others. This is because they get the scope to fight out their own flaws and disabilities and develop strategies which help them to handle any adverse situations. Knowledge which is spoon fed do not have long lasting effect as they tend to erase away from the mind. Rather gaining knowledge by self research and then applying them in reality stays with an individual for long. Zimmerman (2002) has stated three important steps which should be considered by an individual to develop the practice of self regulated learning. The first step is the self regulated learning strategies which include incorporating specific actions and processes which involve proper purposes, agency as well as instrumentality actions and processes (Zimmerman 2002). For these, the information collected form classes should be first organized and then arranged. This should be then transformed followed by self-consequating them and then seeking information. Then the students should use memory aid and rehearse them to get acclimatized with them. Another aspect which Zimmerman has paid importance is the concept of self efficacy. This can be defined as the capability of an individual which when developed properly will help him to organize and implement actions independently which are important to attain designated skills. The last aspect is the achieving of academic goals which include social esteem, trying fo r better grades, proper post graduation employment opportunities which need to be attended on time. I decided to follow the Zimmermans procedure of self regulated learning so that the issues which I have faced in my teamwork can be resolved by me. I will do this by effectively linking the theory studied in class with my practical experiences and developing skills and knowledge. The next stage is called the analysis stage. In this stage, I applied the principles of Zimmerman and tried to reflect upon the courses which I have studied in the class and link the learning in my present workplace. As I had been poor in team communication, the lectures I attended in class on communication topics helped me develop my communication skills. My self-regulated learning and researches helped me to go through the importance of following the five important steps of teamwork which was proposed by Tuckman and Jensen in 1977. I believe the steps like forming, storming, norming, and performing, adjourning and next steps, if followed properly by me will help me maintain proper teamwork skills. Moreover, I was also able to connect my classes on ethical working in business with the experiences I had. I realized that I was engaged in ethical egoism which was actually preventing me to care for the entire team work and making me more concentrated on the individual result. Moreover, the emotional intelligence classes also made me understand that I did not have proper self control over my activities. I also had no proper social skills like empathy, relationship building and others and proper strategies to overcome them were also understood by me form the classes. The class also taught how Johari window is helpful in making individual realizes about the various skills which he posses, which he is unknown about, which others know or do not know. This acts a as communication diagnostic tool for self evaluation and betterment of skill (Gul and Mehmood 2016). The next stage is called the conclusion phase. The above steps have helped me to understand Zimmermans self regulated learning approach and how to use the approach in connecting experiences with the learning developed in class. The knowledge which is provided in the class is very specific and is immensely helpful in understanding the mistakes made by me in the teamwork (Delaney et al. 2017). Not only that, it had also provided me with strategies about how I can link the theories and develop proper teamwork skills. The information about different business attributes like teamwork, interpersonal communication skills, ethical working styles and others provided in class have can be used by me to overcome the barriers that I am facing now. This would help me to empower myself and develop confidence again. This would ultimately make me a smart business professional providing me with a bright career in future (Hodges et al. 2015). The next stage is the action step. Form the various experiences, I understood I have negative aspects in my communication skills, emotional intelligence skill, as well as also issues in self control and management. Therefore, I would be using Zimmermans self regulated learning approach from now on. I would try to connect the theories and learning of the university and link them with the present experiences. I would take up initiatives that would help me overcome my negative aspects and emerge out as a positive minded business professional. References: Delaney, Y., Pattinson, B., McCarthy, J. and Beecham, S., 2017. Transitioning from traditional to problem-based learning inmanagement education: the case of a frontline manager skills development programme.Innovations in Education and Teaching International,54(3), pp.214-222. Gul, F. and Mehmood, N., 2016. A Study to Assess Relevance between Content of Business Courses and Development of Entrepreneurial Skills in Technology Education Institutes.Journal of Social Sciences Humanities (1994-7046),24(2). Hodges, N., Watchravesringkan, K., Yurchisin, J., Hegland, J., Karpova, E., Marcketti, S. and Yan, R.N.T., 2015. Assessing curriculum designed to foster students entrepreneurial knowledge and small business skills from a global perspective.Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal,43(4), pp.313-327. Jones-Rikkers, C.G., 2014. Using Social Media and Professional Development Programs to Enhance Student Acquisition of Soft Skills.M-PBEA Journal, p.9. Rosemann, M. and vom Brocke, J., 2015. The six core elements of business process management. InHandbook onbusiness process management 1(pp. 105-122). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Watson, G. and Reissner, S. eds., 2014.Developing skills for business leadership. Kogan Page Publishers. Zimmerman, B.J. 2002 Achieving Academic Excellence: A Self-Regulatory Perspective in Ferrari, M. (ed) The Pursuit of Excellence Through Education. Lawrence, Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah NJ. Pp.85-110.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Broccoli Essay Research Paper BroccoliBroccoli is a free essay sample
Broccoli Essay, Research Paper BroccoliBroccoli is a really healthy veggie that contains a assortment of vitamins and phyto-chemicals that can assist forestall diseases. Broccoli is one of the healthiest nutrients among the nutrient group. Vitamins A and B are contained in Broccoli. It has been known to assist prevent malignant neoplastic disease, every bit good as other diseases. Everyone should eat broccoli.Broccoli is known as the # 8220 ; Crown Jewel of Nutrition # 8221 ; for its vitamin-rich, high in fibre, and low in Calorie belongingss. Not merely does broccoli give you the best vegetable nutrition available ; it besides gives you many ways to take a healthier, longer life. This vegetable is non-fat and high in foods. For one medium Brassica oleracea italica lance, it contains about 50 Calories, and 0.5 gms of fat. It contains about 70mg of Na. Broccoli contains 9 gms of entire saccharide. For those who do non like Broccoli, they can add cheddar cheese on the top, or other flavoring to do the gustatory se nsation better. We will write a custom essay sample on Broccoli Essay Research Paper BroccoliBroccoli is a or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This veggie contains Vitamins A and C. A cup of Broccoli contains all the Vitamin C that you need in a twenty-four hours. A medium size chaff of Brassica oleracea italica provides 220 % of your day-to-day value of vitamin C . That same medium chaff of Brassica oleracea italica provides 15 % of your day-to-day value of vitamin A, in the signifier of beta-carotene. Both Vitamin C and beta-carotene are antioxidants, which is a substance that can cut down and forestall the harm caused to human cells by free groups. Free groups are a â€Å"toxic†by-product of mundane metamorphosis, but in inordinate figure, free groups may be a factor in diseases as malignant neoplastic disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and bosom disease. Heart disease is the figure one cause of decease in the United States with malignant neoplastic disease as the 2nd, and broccoli gives you many ways to assist battle and prevent these and other diseases. Broccoli has multiple cancer-fighting belongingss including vitamin C, beta-carotene, and fibre. It is besides rich of phyto-chemicals. Phyto-chemicals prevent carcinogens from organizing, halt carcinogens from acquiring to aim cells, and hike enzymes that detoxify carcinogens. In decision, Broccoli is a really healthy dietary veggie, and those who do non eat Brassica oleracea italica should seek it. You can add cheese to it to do the gustatory sensation better. Broccoli could salvage your life, so travel to the local commissary and purchase some Brassica oleracea italica.
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